Kids share their experiences with anti Asian racism.

Partly human nature I'm afraid, some people are xenophobes by nature, though the vast majority of this bullshit is learned behavior. Obviously the state has a roll to play and an interest in reducing and eliminating these negative social forces. I believe besides the law and regulation, the focus must be on education, specifically K-12 and center on emotional training. Like PE, ET is taught as a secular exercise with a scientific basis. Here have a peek, it's well underway now and needs support, it can help with stress and screen time issues. Stress among youth has being increasing over the decades in lock step with technology. Make a better society by making better people, here's how.

Mindful Schools | Mindfulness for Your School, Teachers, and Students

Great Fire of London - Wikipedia
"The fire pushed north on Monday into the heart of the City. Order in the streets broke down as rumours arose of suspicious foreigners setting fires. The fears of the homeless focused on the French and Dutch, England's enemies in the ongoing Second Anglo-Dutch War; these substantial immigrant groups became victims of lynchings and street violence. "
Only soft balls..

media must feel quite comfortable with Biden's leadership not a question on the pandemic, gun control..know why? he already told everybody what he's going to do and he did it:wink:

seems the only concern was running again in four years..wonder why? the only reason to announce is to make money something Teump needed to do immediately until that money disappeared.
I was surprised no reporter asked President Biden about the increase in Asian hate crimes. Did I miss it?

I think Joe's people might drop some bucks on mindful schools and perhaps get the US dept. of education behind it. It promotes empathy as well as reduces stress and in 20 years can grow a crop of citizens with a generally better outlook and attitude. It builds morals, ethics and self regulation as a side effect and will grow a conscience on a fucking stump! If they have trained in school, they need not continue practicing after, once ya seen the city lights there's really no going back to the country. It actually grows brains in the PFC and increases emotional processing, those changes stick around for awhile.

Mindful Schools | Mindfulness for Your School, Teachers, and Students
media must feel quite comfortable with Biden's leadership not a question on the pandemic, gun control..know why? he already told everybody what he's going to do and he did it:wink:

seems the only concern was running again in four years..wonder why? the only reason to announce is to make money something Teump needed to do immediately until that money disappeared.
I only saw bits and pieces of the press conference. Sounds like it was a sad day for journalism.
The whole world is going to a weird place man, really weird. Hope world sees better days
I think of it as we are all just as a species starting to see each other's weird in real time and are faced with the reactions to it. The world is the same, it is just all of us that are getting exposed to so much information that it is easy to cherry pick and weaponize.

This too will pass.
That was less than 100 years ago.

Humanity has a long way to go to get to the promised land.

It always amazes me how people can point to FDR as some kind of noble "saved the country" god. I'm old enough to know people who lived in FDR's racist prison camps.

Humanity will never get to the promised land if they continue to try to use a coercion based system of governance. It is literally impossible, since the means used cannot be separated from the end result.

Asians are routinely discriminated against in favor of other races under the guise of "equal rights" . It's pretty ironic.
I believe Asian people are some of the most successful immigrants, good work ethics and well mannered,have always respected eastern culture and civilization. For the ignorant they just make easy targets and their natural tendancy to keep to themselves makes it even easier.ccguns