Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 question

Im starting a grow with Sunshine advanced #4 and have never used it before. I have read some things that people say you should premix lime into it when your potting because it will acidify if you dont. The SA #4 says it has lime in it tho. Also if i do get a pH drop later in the grow how much do I top dress with(the lime)? I have powdered dolomite lime. Thanks for any info. Going to be using Mega Crop 2 part as nutes.


Well-Known Member
Im starting a grow with Sunshine advanced #4 and have never used it before. I have read some things that people say you should premix lime into it when your potting because it will acidify if you dont. The SA #4 says it has lime in it tho. Also if i do get a pH drop later in the grow how much do I top dress with(the lime)? I have powdered dolomite lime. Thanks for any info. Going to be using Mega Crop 2 part as nutes.
Fuck pH. Don’t bother doing anything to it. Run it right out of the bag or add perlite. KISS.