How potent is Original Cut of Strawberry Cough???

I loved Strawberry Cough and it's been awhile since I've had the pure form.
It was the most comforting daytime strain to me. Not face melting potent at all but the high still stands out. Nice unique taste and smell with a warm, functional high that was not drowsy but relaxing on the body. Zero anxiety/raciness with this strain. I think it can be improved with the right male or reversed female pairing. I'm also looking for some stock of it/close to it.
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I loved Strawberry Cough and it's been awhile since I've had the pure form.
It was the most comforting daytime strain to me. Not face melting potent at all. Nice unique taste and smell with a warm, functional high that was not drowsy but relaxing on the body. Zero anxiety/raciness with this strain. I think it can be improved with the right male or reversed female pairing. I'm also looking for some stock of it/close to it.
What would you do to improve it? I suppose stronger is always better lol
What would you do to improve it? I suppose stronger is always better lol
Not saying it needs improving but excited to see more of it's progeny. I loved Bruce Banner also.
I would like to pair it with the J1 strain or "Jack Frost" named by Jack Herer. Or just Jack Herer, some sativas from Doc D and whatever other sativas I have around. Might pay the money if Auntie Jane's keeps this cut around until spring.
Not sure if my 2cents fits in here, but this is one of my favorite strains that I've grown.
A few years back I knew a fellow grower that would come up with hard to come by cuts.
He gave me 2 SC clones and said these are rare, that's all I know.
Damn it was good smoke. Expanded like a mofo, true to it's name..Strawberry Cough (1).JPG_DSC0009.JPGStill have friends that mention it...
We also have the Dynasty Genetics Super Silver Cough, which is the Colorado Cough ( NL5/Haze x Super Silver Haze. Which is NL5. The Strawberry Cough is a Swiss strain named Elderbeer, and crossed to some unknown Afghan strain. I bought the last 2 packs of the SSC a couple years ago from JBC.
Ive also read the Colorado Cough was from genetics that never went to Europe, and are not from either Nevil, or Sensi Seeds.

Many strains/cuts are known for their potency. Old 80s-90s NL5/Haze is one. 80s-early 2000's NL5, Afghan#1, Super Skunk, Black Domina, PNW Hashplant, Skelly Hashplant, AK47, Cuddlefish Hashplant are all known for being potent.
Nevils NL5/Haze used to come with a warning.
The fort Collins cough/Colorado cough is a old f1 original nl5haze from nevil. Alot of people still think the old nyc hazes come from a different source too. But you might want to ask that to the person who got the seeds directly from nevil and took them over to those guys.
@CoB_nUt was growing the Strawberry Cough.
I haven't seen him around for bit, but I'd ask him what he thinks of it.
Man I miss Cob! Amos said he reached out to him last year and things were cool but he had a bunch of family stuff to deal with. I hope he is doing well still!!!

He loved the cough. He blessed me with a couple dinafem strawberry cough seeds that I still need to pop.
Colorado Cough was created by two female growers who attended Colorado State University in the 1990's, it's been a prized cut in Colorado for years, mostly because of its potency. The origin is thought to be an original Super Sativa Seed Club (pre-cursor to Sensi Seeds) NL #5 x Haze #17.
I remember the Super Sativa Club ads in High Times in the 80s. I dreamed of buying those seeds and didn't even realize that the landrace Mexican I was growing halfway down a creek at bed at the time would end up being a prized plant in 2021....wish I kept some seeds, the folly of youth! I see the SSC is still around selling $300 packs of haze LOL. Your Colorado Cough story is poignant-those genetics coming back to America after they were stolen by the Dutch all those years ago...I love it
Kyle Kushman, writer for High Times, made the strawberry cough popular. He said it was from a grower he knew that always grew it in the same plot he grew real strawberries in and supposedly that helped it get that strawberry flavor.

Sounds like something a writer would come up with, lol.
Kyle Kushman, writer for High Times, made the strawberry cough popular. He said it was from a grower he knew that always grew it in the same plot he grew real strawberries in and supposedly that helped it get that strawberry flavor.

Sounds like something a writer would come up with, lol.
Kyle Kushman, a former High Times editor, developed Strawberry Cough largely by chance in 2000. Kushman claims to have received a small clone from a fellow breeder -- a runt, the clone had allegedly been grown next to a strawberry patch somewhere in Connecticut. Kushman was struck by the clone’s pungent strawberry scent -- he dubbed the strain Strawberry Field, and eventually crossed it with a Haze plant. The result was Strawberry Cough, a hybrid that tastes soft and sweet and delivers a solidly cerebral high.
Best weed I smoked back in the late 60s, and early 70s would make you cough your brains out. Expando weed we called it.

Good hash was the same way. All the best weed Ive ever smoked since 1966 was cough inducing.

Probably the top 3 I ever saw, and the very best indoor stuff was an early 90s NL5 x Haze x PNW Hashplant x Sk1. I grew it for 5 years before I got ratted out to the feds, by my partner who got caught with 500 clones I gave him.

My buddy that lives in California/San Fran since the late 70s, also says it was, and still is, the best shit he ever saw.

Every hit was cough inducing,, snot coming out your nose and shit.

Was unsafe to try and smoke, and drive as it could induce temporary loss of vision. IE Headrush fucking out, every hit.

I had people swear I put PCP in it. It would make many people hypoglycemic, and send them into a paranoid, nauseous stupor for up to 5 hours. This shit was no fucking joke, and if I still had it, would have the market cornered, and not including it had the best tasting stuff I ever saw. Was pure honeysuckle, and hash. With face melting potency.
Yup! I know the expando very well and you hit the nail on the head. That shit was incredible. I smoked some of that shit with a guy and he got so high he thought he was dying.
If someone can go to a shop in California and get a real kyle Kushman strawberry cough cut, I’ll mail you a hundred fifty bucks. Obviously we will works the kinks out to be secure. I don’t care if you pay 20 dollars for it. I’ll give buck fifty for a real deal kyle Kushman strawberry cough. Holla.

it’s the only weed in my life I ever bought and thought man I can’t ever forget this one. Only had it once, and again,it was the best I ever had. Bought an 8th for 65 dollarsAmerican on 4:20 my sophomore year, about 16 at the time. This was about a decade ago. Killer smoke. Amazing flavors and high. Mom caught me from looking chink eyed from that bag.....
Clones of it I saw for sale was a month or 2 ago, and were $150 each, and were from Mama Funk genetics. But not directly from MF. They were on Strainly, and you could have bought them had you seen it. I passed. Maybe I shouldnt have.
Kyle Kushman, a former High Times editor, developed Strawberry Cough largely by chance in 2000. Kushman claims to have received a small clone from a fellow breeder -- a runt, the clone had allegedly been grown next to a strawberry patch somewhere in Connecticut. Kushman was struck by the clone’s pungent strawberry scent -- he dubbed the strain Strawberry Field, and eventually crossed it with a Haze plant. The result was Strawberry Cough, a hybrid that tastes soft and sweet and delivers a solidly cerebral high.
I can't remember where I read the part about growing the original clone in the strawberry fields but it was probably in an older high times issue. Maybe even on icmag forum years ago.
Man I miss Cob! Amos said he reached out to him last year and things were cool but he had a bunch of family stuff to deal with. I hope he is doing well still!!!

I figured he must be hanging on another forum.
Hope all is well.

I didn't get the impression that there were any problems, just that he was re-prioritizing how he spent his time. I've got some Cob's Copper Candy going again to try to revive the legacy. :) @CoB_nUt