Stop shopping at walmart


Well-Known Member
Walmart is one of the biggest reasons our Economy is so messed up.
Manufactures can't compete with the low costing products coming out of china.
So their manufacturing plants are moving anywhere, where the labor is cheap.
Which is taking away all the decent medium income jobs. Medium income jobs is what runs most countries.
Practically all of Walmart goods comes from China or some other country where labor is cheap as hell.
When their were no Walmart's, our economy was doing awesome.
There were jobs everywhere, unemployent rates were down, when people
bought worked longer than 3 months.

Let's form a pact that we vow to never shop at Walmart again.


Well-Known Member
theres was a big show on this alot of people disagreed cause of the low price... the waltons the owners of the walmart chain got so much god dam money the poor get poorer and rich get richer


Well-Known Member
im not too fond of walmart...i always shop at family grocery spots, and try to stick to local hardware stores... i try to help the lil man in business before ill go to Sam Waltons Mark of the beast lol.


Well-Known Member
I stopped shopping at wal-mart months ago, but for a different reason altogether. I was tired of getting questioned about my reciept and the contents of my packages EVERY TIME I shopped there based on my looks. At any given time I usually carry more cash than they make in a week and they want to accuse me of stealing from there.

I have been threatened by security several times after explaining to them that I have a constitutional right NOT to be searched for no reason and that they have no legal right to try and detain me regardless of what they THINK. I am subject to a ridiculous amount of video being taken just to prove that I haven't stolen anything anyway...


Well-Known Member
I read the book How Walmart is ruining the U.S and the world. Very good read alot of stuff about their shady dealings. Like did you know that the money from every single walmart everywhere gets wired into the walton single bank account every day. Nothing stays in the community banks etc. Just 7 bucks from a 30 dollar pair of jean goes to those kids making them. If you are a vendor to walmart and you item is old news or damaged or past due etc they own it at your cost yet they put it into thier bargin bins and make money off of it twice. all kinds of good stuff they do. they came into a city near here that just became a city andI know of alot of businesses that are no longer cause of them.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that Walmart is so damn cheap that most of their workers are part-time.
They do this so they don't have to offer health benefits.


Well-Known Member
ive had some issues at a walmart in my area. I am a concealed deadly weapons carrier..i have a license. And as long as it isnt posted on the entrance doors its not illegal to carry inside under concealment. My dumbass wasnt dressed properly for the occasion and i was printing pretty bad. For those that dont know printing means that your concealed firearm is visible UNDER your clothing. I was wearing a black tshirt and apparently my inside the waist holster wasnt doing the job correctly. The way i took it an assosiate at the store caught a glimpse of my .45 while i was kneeling to tie my shoe, and contacted store security who then followed me and my wife around the entire store as we shopped. They even tried to hide behind shit as if i wouldnt notice. When we were checking out i noticed two police officers come towards the checkout line we were in accompanied by store security. They asked me if I was armed and i just pulled out my CDW license and handed it to the officers. They were totally cool with it but Walmart security got the store managers and they got all pissy and told me I wasnt allowed back into that particular store. It cracked me up, we left our cart right there and left, The police officers even walked out with us, and chatted with us a while. They wanted to know what kind of gun i had etc, all out in the parking lot. I still go to that store every once and awhile...ill fill a cart up with stuff and just leave


Well-Known Member
Walmart is one of the biggest reasons our Economy is so messed up.
Manufactures can't compete with the low costing products coming out of china.
So their manufacturing plants are moving anywhere, where the labor is cheap.
Which is taking away all the decent medium income jobs. Medium income jobs is what runs most countries.
Practically all of Walmart goods comes from China or some other country where labor is cheap as hell.
When their were no Walmart's, our economy was doing awesome.
There were jobs everywhere, unemployent rates were down, when people
bought worked longer than 3 months.

Let's form a pact that we vow to never shop at Walmart again.

we need to get rid of the illegal aliens to effectively boycott wal-mart. I dont shop at wal-mart because its a shit hole. Ebay can compete, and in fact woop wal-marts ass anyday. and i dont have to waste my time in a store littered with mexican families that have 18 kids (all of which were payin for) running around causing mayhem. I live in socal, cant swing a dead cat without hittin a mexican.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I used to shop at Walmart EVERYDAY....Then I saw that documentary and I stopped....Everyone needs to boycott Walmart.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, you can't fecking find anything made in the USA anymore. Ok, I mean the real shite, like clothes, electronics, plastics, hardware, computers, shall I go on? Feck, if you look at the 15 different named company's for a specific product, say cordless phone, all except one are made in China, and the USA isn't the other one. Ditto clothes, electronics, again it's endless. So while they're making shite, corporate is teaching Americans "Want fries with that?", or "Venti or Grande Latte Cappucino Blahblahbla?" WTF? Corporate going to tell us that we don't have enough qualified people for IT and bring in 4H visa help. Feck them, there are Americans who helped launch IT to were it is today can't get a fecking job because they tell them they are over qualified. Again WTF? When America was booming these kinds of industries were booming here too. The corporate executive criminal boards and their ass licking subordinates need to go the feck to jail and not to get bailed the feck out. Which brings me to one other fecking point. Why the feck all the hesitance in bailing out GM? Oh yeah, union members and their families. Feck, if it was some fecking illegal joint, "Here have some billions." Goodbye middleclass. The feck with 7 mercedes fecking needs 7,000,077 Feck off. I better calm down. hehebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
but i like ASDA theyve got everything i need, plus when the new one opens up theres going to be 200 new jobs coming to the town (ASDA is a supermarket chain which is owned by Walmart)


Well-Known Member
ive had some issues at a walmart in my area. I am a concealed deadly weapons carrier..i have a license. And as long as it isnt posted on the entrance doors its not illegal to carry inside under concealment. My dumbass wasnt dressed properly for the occasion and i was printing pretty bad. For those that dont know printing means that your concealed firearm is visible UNDER your clothing. I was wearing a black tshirt and apparently my inside the waist holster wasnt doing the job correctly. The way i took it an assosiate at the store caught a glimpse of my .45 while i was kneeling to tie my shoe, and contacted store security who then followed me and my wife around the entire store as we shopped. They even tried to hide behind shit as if i wouldnt notice. When we were checking out i noticed two police officers come towards the checkout line we were in accompanied by store security. They asked me if I was armed and i just pulled out my CDW license and handed it to the officers. They were totally cool with it but Walmart security got the store managers and they got all pissy and told me I wasnt allowed back into that particular store. It cracked me up, we left our cart right there and left, The police officers even walked out with us, and chatted with us a while. They wanted to know what kind of gun i had etc, all out in the parking lot. I still go to that store every once and awhile...ill fill a cart up with stuff and just leave
That is by far the BEST Wal-Mart story I've ever heard! Mad props for stickin' it to them and then shootin' the shit with the Cops about it afterwards...awesome!!!

It seems that all Wal-Marts are universally wretched places to shop. They are an evil corporation that pay their employees the lowest wages possible, offer no health benefits, and then people wonder why the biggest and dumbest assholes work there and don't give a shit about their jobs.

They're going to run the world one roll back price at a time...:evil:


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