Better Hydroponic Nutrients


Well-Known Member
The guy at my hydro shop told me about a new product, that is supposed to be all three of these, with trace B vitamins, and carbohydrates in it, but is made by a "local" botanist/chemist. Supposedly (so the shop owner says) it was designed by the same individuals that produced AN's line. The only difference is that you get five items in one, and it's like 1/3 the price you would pay. I think he said it was like a 1/2 lb for like $50. Plus, with it being made in the US and not in Canada, it's easier to get, and cheaper for the stores to stock up on, so they can pass the savings on to you.

I was going to wait to get it till my next grow. I don't remember the name, but if you are really interested I can go back and ask more about it.
I would get more information on that, sounds very promising.
Alright, apparently I was alot higher than I thought I was when I talked to my local hydro shop last week. The products they were talking about was Mayan Microzyme (a substitute for voodoo juice) and Myco Maxium (a subsitute for paranaha and tarantula, with carbohydrates and trace B vitamins). When I was there I heard "Mayan Microzyme Myco Maxium" and it all flowed into one word. It sounded like a miraculous product.

Anyway, both products are cheaper than their AN byproducts, and work just as well from what I hear. I hope to try them in my next grow.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's accurate, about it being made by the same people. I could be wrong, I'm no expert or anything, but I hadn't heard anything about any of Advanced Nutrients' guys jumping ship.

Not saying it's no good, I've never even heard of it. I'm just thinking that it sounds like a rumor started to give their products more street cred is all.

I personally can't say that Bud Blood does anything at all. I was very disappointed with this product. And I substitute Carboload with molasses. It's cheaper and does the same thing.
Well I think it works. Try it side-by-side sometime if you can. Nothing proves it like seeing it for yourself.

The molasses works great in soil, but it's dangerous in hydroponics so I just can't go that route myself.


Well-Known Member
I may try doing a side by side next time. I'll see if I like it. I have it lying around, so why not.

I do hand watering coco hydro. So molasses is an option for me. If I did an ebb and flow, or a drip I would switch to carboload.


Well-Known Member
I'm still confused with what exactly Scorpion Juice is. Anyone want to clue me in, or tell me why it's so important?


Active Member
If you grow indoors you need more than just Nitro -phos - potas you need the trace minerals that plant require. Just stick with the Fox Farms Trilogy it has all the goodies in it. I flush my hydro units every 30 days to remove un wanted salts. I also use a home made CO2 set up. for 120 sq ft closet 3 aerogardens and 3 1 gallon milk jugs pumping nitrogen to 1400 ppm its made all the difference. I would like to know more about flavor enhancers.


New Member
scorpion protecs from viruses and root issues kinda like a flu shot with vitamin c eqinasia and tylenol put together. makes sure ur lant doesnt get sick, if you really are a biginner im gona give a lil advice, sensi pro ready made powder mixes it comes in light medium and heavy feeding boxes, with 1 box per week at 550 bucks lol but it has everything i mean everythng in it, made by dr hornby to just mix lol but the 4rth week one has to b bought seperate its 100 bucks i guess ur paying for the formula but it really fucking works. ps if your smart youll buy the heavy feeding one at 1600 ppm the red boxes and use at half strength that way you get 2 runs out of it hehehehhhehehe


Well-Known Member
That's the information I saw online about scorpion juice. What I didn't understand is how does a plant 'vaccination', if you will, improve your harvest? all I thought it did was prevent against sicknesses.

Thanks for the heads up on sensi pro. I havn't seen it before, do you have a link?


Well-Known Member
A stronger immune system means a stronger plant with less chance of it being slowed down by whatever problems might strike. A minor problem often won't really become visible before the plant overcomes it, but the effort it took to fight it off steals resources that could have been used to grow even bigger.

So it can hurt yield.

I'd rather take a few extra steps to avoid a problem than to try to fix it later.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah. That makes total sense. I used to work out fairly hardcore, and we used to take alot of dietary supplements. In addition, we also took alot of vitamins. It was the same thought process.

I just wasn't aware that it would make THATmuch of a difference on yield.


Well-Known Member
ya how hard can u lift on a cold, compared to when fully healthy and well fed.
That's a really good analogy. A cold isn't likely to kill you, or necessarily stunt your growth, but it can sure slow you down for awhile. Plants are the same except their colds can stunt them a bit.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
How about bloom boosters like AN Overdrive or Hammerhead? These are essential for fat buds IMO. I use AN's coco nutes (Moneky Juice) for veg and flower but midway through flower if I don't drop the bloom formula to reduce N and replace it with bloom booster which is almost pure P-K then I get deficiencies of all sorts. I think of my main feeding program as three parts - veg, bloom, and bloom booster. Everything else is add-ons. Carboload is good stuff though.


Well-Known Member
I've been reading this thread and all I can say is: Thank God I'm off the magic sauces!
I think if people spend half the time or money that they spend on nutrients on environment they would not have to constantly buy additives to counteract problems that are caused by a poor environment to begin with.


Broozer Bud

Well-Known Member
does anybody know if it would be a good idea to use cha-ching, beastie bloomz, and open sesame, with my general hydroponics fiora series, or is it unesasary?

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I am a newbi, only 3-4 grows and still working out kinks.
I use GH Flora Nova 1 bottle for grow and one bottle for Bloom.
Can someone give me a link that will exsplane how to use all the diffrent aditives as I dont know how to add them (mix in addition to the normal or mix in seperate water and add to plants as a seperate water) There are so many to look at its overwelming
Thank and Happy Growing
Green Dave