Did erath worm can damge cannabis plant?

Naw, earthworms are usually good for the soil. What color and size are the worms? Are you having problems with the plant growing?
[QUOTE = "PadawanWarrior ، البريد: 16222059 ، العضو: 1006714"]
هذا هو السبب في أنهم بحاجة إلى إعادة الأطفال إلى الفصل. على الأقل تهجى القنب بشكل صحيح.
[/اقتبس] Lol
Quit dissin the guys English he asked for help not stick. Earthworms in the right biosphere are beneficial HOWEVER in a no till situ the population can become to dense - too much poop-nitrogen toxicity they WILL also eat living roots of young seedlings contrary to the majority of comments I speak from experience
Quit dissin the guys English he asked for help not stick. Earthworms in the right biosphere are beneficial HOWEVER in a no till situ the population can become to dense - too much poop-nitrogen toxicity they WILL also eat living roots of young seedlings contrary to the majority of comments I speak from experience
Erath is an ancient noble name, and Erath disapproves of your contempt.