Seed pod or calyx?


New Member
Hello, I'm new to this but I found these on another plant of mine and there were super tiny node like things inside (that I assume were seeds) but on this one they contain nothing but look like and probably are calyxs. My autos were definitely under a lot of stress when my ph meter went out of wack and I didn't know so it is definitely possible. I guess my question is do calyxys contain tiny node like things? The one on the cloth is the one that contained these from a different plant than the one circled. Thanks, any help appreciated!


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Well, yeah, maybe, if you want to go there, lol
Just found a thread on this. Apparently these are what become seeds if pollinated??

Hello, I'm new to this but I found these on another plant of mine and there were super tiny node like things inside (that I assume were seeds) but on this one they contain nothing but look like and probably are calyxs. My autos were definitely under a lot of stress when my ph meter went out of wack and I didn't know so it is definitely possible. I guess my question is do calyxys contain tiny node like things? The one on the cloth is the one that contained these from a different plant than the one circled. Thanks, any help appreciated!
You are looking far too deeply into your plants. Relax and let them grow. If you see bananas, have a touch of concern. Inspecting individual calyx will only drive you crazy. Your plants are girls until you see them growing balls, relax!
You are looking far too deeply into your plants. Relax and let them grow. If you see bananas, have a touch of concern. Inspecting individual calyx will only drive you crazy. Your plants are girls until you see them growing balls, relax!
Well put. Thank you. You are right. My last grow ended up with seeds is why. Also I haven't seen any busted pollen sacks anywhere.
What is the purpose of these stem bulbs/calyxes? I harvested a plant recently and they still had these, mostly on the lower parts of stems. They are sticky with trichomes and don't taste good.
Hello, I'm new to this but I found these on another plant of mine and there were super tiny node like things inside (that I assume were seeds) but on this one they contain nothing but look like and probably are calyxs. My autos were definitely under a lot of stress when my ph meter went out of wack and I didn't know so it is definitely possible. I guess my question is do calyxys contain tiny node like things? The one on the cloth is the one that contained these from a different plant than the one circled. Thanks, any help appreciated!
First one reminds me open polen sac, maybe just bad angle of view...? Others are called preflowers in growth stage and you can see sex before flowering starts. Do not know how they called in flower, I would say the same. And they can produce seed as well once been polinated.