I you had a million+ $$$ U would?


Well-Known Member
build a cult... hmm nice idea
I dont know how a farm with no set religion for kids with NOTHING would be a cult but whatever...you can takes someones kind hearted idea and turn it into something evil if you want, hell thats your american effing right to do so. But just to let you know, no, nothing like a cult, just a place to live and grow up without the BS i had to live with...that would be the goal if I had the money...Give it away.


Well-Known Member
I have several million and I live just like everyone else. Grow my own, never buy. Best benefit is I own my house(s) outright and drive an '05 XJ8L Jag. Also my kids have their college funds.

I'm no happier than I was before I made the $$$ in a startup buisness. $$$ creates worries of it's own and can be very difficult to hang on to... I try to save money everywhere I can just like you. Despite the fact that I have no debt, I still worry about money, lost around $500K in the last few months and it drives me crazy.


Green Thumb of God
I would pay off my house and car then live off the money while putting my wife and I through college.


Well-Known Member
I'd invest it or use it for an ivy league school education. I wouldn't invest the entire million dollars, I would put some in the bank and save it for later in my life. overtime it would gain interest, idk how much but it would be nice to have a good deal of money waiting for me once I got up there in age. sky diving, traveling, I would do something really great with it. and if the investing went well, I'd donate a lot of it to feed starving children. money isn't really important, material isn't important; who you are is important and I want to have good character and if I was blessed with that money why wouldn't I use it for good?


Well-Known Member
Buy a house for myself here in south California, and buy as many other houses I can afford and rent them out. 1 million does not last if your going to spend it on cars, houses, luxury, etc... I would invest it into realty.


Well-Known Member
long term i'd invest maybe 1/4 in stocks in the next year or so, something long term cause it'll go up again, maybe not soon, but it will.

i'd buy a house in this crazy depressed housing market.

i'd probably spend 5k on a second hand car, nothing too flashy,
and then 30k on some massive Vegas trip, or to the tropics somewhere with all my friends to celebrate my good fortune.

rest in the bank, deposit the max in my Roth IRA each year, figure out more safe ways to make more money...


Active Member
Would buy lots of land, build a dirt track for racing, have a house built, get few 4-wheelers and dirt bikes, all new camping gear, a truck, a race car, 76 Chevelle, put enough in hiding to pay for my kid to go to college plus build him a house.....get a few rescue dogs and snakes......then budget rest of the money out to support me and pay for my cremation. haha but I would still work....just maybe not as much....work temporary jobs


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what I'd do, man...two chicks at the same time

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Well-Known Member
i'll tell you what i'd do, man...two chicks at the same time

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2ftyvaarvlc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2ftyvaarvlc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


hahahahahaha yessss!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I def feel everyone with investing the money but Me being 23 and basically poor I would have to spend atleast half of it. A big chunk on a house, Prob in the country, Then cars and other junk.

...Its funny hearing "rich" people chime in on this topic. Kanye west said it best "Money isnt everything, but not having it is." How i think about this everyday lol. Currently being unemployed doesnt help one lick ethier. All i can think about is what the hell im going to do to make a large sum of money to get me out of the huge rut im in, and what do i run into? lol the fact that you need money to make money.... AHHHH!