Well-Known Member
you could probably pull bigger #'s with autos. just sayin' brah. lol
you could probably pull bigger #'s with autos. just sayin' brah. lol
you could probably pull bigger #'s with autos. just sayin' brah. lol
i do like molson export. and la fin du monde or mordite 4pks will put your dick in tthe dirt.
in high school, we could get cases of moosehead for 9.99 or a 30 pk of stroh's for 8.99 i think i still have my fake id somewhere. lol.
his auto would have been done already while bk is still in vegyou could probably pull bigger #'s with autos. just sayin' brah. lol
my bad! i thought you said you started flushing 10 days ago. way late man! those ashes are gonna burn grey.Im going to start my flush soon
i don't think my locals keep that one. iv'e seen it though for sure. like a blue label? i have no problems trying new beers.You ever try Kokanee? That’s my jam
No i voted for sleepy joe. Didn't want to vote at all. My area is a mess right now. Super bad homeless problem and bad politicians in my state. I don't do politics though usually. Usually only listen, hardly ever talk it.You’re a trumper aren’t you?
No i voted for sleepy joe. Didn't want to vote at all. My area is a mess right now. Super bad homeless problem and bad politicians in my state. I don't do politics though usually. Usually only listen, hardly ever talk it.
Still here. Keeping him comfortable. Doesn't seem to be in pain at all. Eating super well. Thank you so much for asking!!! Next time I'm in Canada ill stop by and give you a blowie. Man to man!!!!!I forgot to ask how the Doggo is doing?
Still here. Keeping him comfortable. Doesn't seem to be in pain at all. Eating super well. Thank you so much for asking!!! Next time I'm in Canada ill stop by and give you a blowie. Man to man!!!!!
i about threw a brick at the tv earlier; flyers embarrassed themselves 0-9 v rangers. yikes!
nice win by the oilers last nite: i dozed off when they went up 5-1.
i about threw a brick at the tv earlier; flyers embarrassed themselves 0-9 v rangers. yikes!
for most of the 3rd i watched guns & roses live from the O2 arena. not quite the same as the original GNR i saw back in the 90s.That was quite embarrassing lol
you should be a lock for the top 4 in the north.I’m actually very surprised how well the oil played. Just have to keep that up for the remainder of the season now.
is that part of your Keto diet?I know you sucked a goats ass for breakfast
Embarrassed? sleazy fucking sissy bitch. You weren't embarrassed by being called out as a fucking spineless creepy shit ball. Gtfoh you're a broken cunt, your sickening stench matches your character.
in english plz.Go through the thread before cunting out bro