Buffering coco in layman's terms?

I'm still confused on how that's even possible. I can't comprehend how it's possible unless you aren't watering to enough runoff. Eventually the output had to equal the input.
I don't know the scientific description but imagine the coco robing the nutrient of all the p, k, cm, mg, effectively leaving very little nutrients in the run off, I've seen it to many times to fluke or unusual.
Eta... This morning I run 500ml of 1.2ec through the pot and it run off at 0.7, it will level out after a short time.
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I don't know the scientific description but imagine the coco robing the nutrient of all the p, k, cm, mg, effectively leaving very little nutrients in the run off, I've seen it to many times to fluke or unusual.
Eta... This morning I run 500ml of 1.2ec through the pot and it run off at 0.7, it will level out after a short time.
.1 gallon of feed isn't enough. Feed to more runoff. My one gallon pots get about that much but only if fed 3 times a day. If dry they will take .5 gallon of feed to get proper runoff. I'm sure you aren't in 1 gallons so you'll need to feed more.
I'm not feeding anything, I'm simply pouring nutrient through a pot of coco, I'm mearly pointing out that a low ec run is a thing and reason behind it, I don't understand what you mean by one gallon isn't enough feed to more run off, that irelevant to the point.
I'm not feeding anything, I'm simply pouring nutrient through a pot of coco, I'm mearly pointing out that a low ec run is a thing and reason behind it, I don't understand what you mean by one gallon isn't enough feed to more run off, that irelevant to the point.
Your low run off is an abnormality if it's truly happening. Has nothing to do with buffering or not.
You are just not watering to sufficient runoff. Forget about that 10-20% ratio volume input/ runoff volume thats BS. Worry about whats going in at right values and enough amount. Once you start to do this, your low runoff EC is history. Good luck!
I was done with consistently checking ec/ph years ago, but I think to never check it is pretty slack.
I'm working with something new so I'll do the appropriate tests imo it would foolish not to.
The alternative is getting issues down the line which I aim to avoid, as always though it's up to the individual.
You are just not watering to sufficient runoff. Forget about that 10-20% ratio volume input/ runoff volume thats BS. Worry about whats going in at right values and enough amount. Once you start to do this, your low runoff EC is history. Good luck!
I'm not feeding anything or have any problems, I'm simply pointing out that a low ec in the run off is a thing and reason behind it.
Can't you guys over in the states get the premium pre buffered stuff from the grow shop? why bother with the whole Coco washing deal?
Opps... sorry for stepping out of line and breaking protocol lol
Why you guys wherever just let people make there own choices.
You have a tendency to comment on things you know nothing about, it's absolutely nothing to do with saving anything, it's all about the structure, airation and results!
You have a tendency to take everything personal. It was stated as a question not a statement. Notice the :?:?

If you think bricked coco vs bagged coco has anything to do with your final results that may be the problem. I forgot, bagged coco has poor aeration. Lol. :wall:

@Star Dog what size pots are you in?
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I don't know the scientific description but imagine the coco robing the nutrient of all the p, k, cm, mg, effectively leaving very little nutrients in the run off, I've seen it to many times to fluke or unusual.
Eta... This morning I run 500ml of 1.2ec through the pot and it run off at 0.7, it will level out after a short time.
The scientific description is cation exchange of cm & mg, NOT NPK. It's in the posted links! Think of it as a giant calmag sponge. :wink:. And give her lots of run off.

EDIT: I was wrong, there is cation exchange of potassium in coco.

Coco Cation Exchange Capacity
Soil particles and organic matter have negative charges on their surfaces that attract cations. The total of these negative charges are collectively referred to as the cation exchange capacity (CEC). The CEC is significant in growing media because it is a measure of the quantity of nutrients the media is able to hold on to before nutrients start leaching out. Plants are able to access the cations attached to the cation exchange capacity.

Coco often has a CEC in the range of 90-100 meq/100 g of media. The CEC of coco is naturally loaded with potassium (K) and sodium (Na), with little or no calcium (Ca) or magnesium (Mg). These are the four cations that are most important when buffering coco. The goal is to significantly lower the percentage of CEC sites that have K and Na on them and increase the percentage of CEC sites that have Ca and Mg attached. Potassium can be attached to up to around 40% of the sites and sodium can be attached to up to around 15% of the sites. This is significant because if 40% of the exchange of un-buffered coco is holding potassium, then that equals 40 meq/100 g of media of the single-charge K molecule.

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Can't you guys over in the states get the premium pre buffered stuff from the grow shop? why bother with the whole Coco washing deal?
Coco bricks are much cheaper than prewashed/prebuffered bags of coco. This might not matter if you've got a 4x4 tent, but it adds up FAST if you are growing in a large room. I buy prebagged stuff just so I don't have to bother with the effort, esp during the winter. Certainly some bagged coco is better than others, just like some coco bricks are better than others. Go with Canna first so see what good coco is like, then you have a baseline to compare cheap coco to. Hydrofarm's coco, I think it's called Grow!t, is pretty decent, as is botanicare, but you always have to watch the starting PPMS, they all have different methods of buffering, and some are hotter than others.