How bad is the stink? Critical Purple & Gorilla Glue Grow


New Member
I plan on doing a 5 plant grow outdoors, but I was curious how bad the two mentioned strains above would stink. I have a bunch of woods behind my house so I was just thinking drop them back there but my neighbor is probably 600 feet away from my house as it is, and a field borders the forest where a farmer keeps his cows. The forest goes back pretty deep though and is out of sight to anyone unless they're looking for my plants. Was curious about on average how far away you'd imagine I would have to put the plants in the woods so the smell doesn't travel with a 5 plant grow. 3 of the purple and 2 gorilla glue plants. Thanks.
While the smell of both of those strains are quite intense and pungent the smell wont travel too far and especially in a forest as the smell ends up having to travel large distances often times being obstructed by trees, bush etc.

While I couldn't give you an exact measurement I would say you wouldn't need to grow it too far away if that's your preference, of course I would still grow it a sizeable distance away as I think its better to be safe than sorry but that's just me.

(Wind is also something you would have to factor in here keep that in mind)

Its a little bit vauge I know but thats all the advice I could really give you, hope it helps.
got humid days late flower itll stink. used to follow my nose to my grow in the woods. of no nose plants likley got punked.
itll smell
From what I can tell my grow spot will be 525 feet from the closest neighbor, using a radius mapping tool. You guys think that will be enough? Or should I do 4 plants instead?
From what I can tell my grow spot will be 525 feet from the closest neighbor, using a radius mapping tool. You guys think that will be enough? Or should I do 4 plants instead?
Why not try guerilla style? Space them out. This will also make your grow harder to spot. :wink: Good luck..
Think you attach a few platforms up in the trees in the woods? There was a guy on here that said he has done it in the past. Little too crazy for me, im not what you would consider a climber :lol:
A football field is 300 feet.
Put a plant in one end zone and you’re not gonna smell it in the other.
Adding 200+ feet?
You’re good.
I saw that....It was kind of cool especially if you could rig up irrigation. But not too practical :lol:

Yeah I wouldn't want to be hauling a car battery and water pump through the woods. And a hose attached to a tree wouldn't be very inconspicuous. Maybe a drone, with the bucket water scoops like they use in forest fires :lol: