peanut butter


Well-Known Member
is it good? i never tried it before.. i really want to though..

i heard that americans is crazy for peanut butter. u love peanut butter with jelly.. - what kind of jelly?

i heard also that americans adore peanut butter with bananas?

theres no peanut butter in my country ... :(


Well-Known Member
is it good? i never tried it before.. i really want to though..

i heard that americans is crazy for peanut butter. u love peanut butter with jelly.. - what kind of jelly?

i heard also that americans adore peanut butter with bananas?

theres no peanut butter in my country ... :(
No PB? Shite! Anyway, make your own, get some peanuts and smash the crap out of them till you get butter. Then all you need is some strawberry jam (my favorite). MMMmmmMMmm And yes, bananas with peanut butter is excellent. Chocolate and PB is the best.


Well-Known Member
IF you're serious, you're missing out on one of U.S. life's most affordable foods.

I prefer Grape JAM w/PNB.
Tomato soup w/PNB and J sandwich IS America. (and a few cheezy poohs)


Well-Known Member
IF you're serious, you're missing out on one of U.S. life's most affordable foods.
yes im serious :) i always loved american foods. i think i could love peanut butter also.

is peanut butter OK without jelly or bananas?

if i will smash the hell out of some peanuts - will i get the same butter as you in stores?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Peanut butter rules. I love a good peanut butter and strawberry preserves sandwich. Also a fluff sandwich with it is great. As Americans we should invade your country and free your people of the lack of peanut butter. It may take years and thousands of innocent people may die but dammit, Your childrens children will enjoy the freedom of peanut butter. America, fuck yea!


Well-Known Member
As Americans we should invade your country and free your people of the lack of peanut butter. It may take years and thousands of innocent people may die but dammit, Your childrens children will enjoy the freedom of peanut butter.
too bad were in NATO lol :D

anyway i was thinking to purchase some PB from ebay but most of sellers sending it to US only.. only fief is sending to europe but the shipping costs is insane!


Well-Known Member
yes im serious :) i always loved american foods. i think i could love peanut butter also.

is peanut butter OK without jelly or bananas?

if i will smash the hell out of some peanuts - will i get the same butter as you in stores?
Nah, you ain't gonna hand crush anything near the widely available, sugared versions, like Jif, Peter Pan, etc.

You'll end up with something closer to the "health food" version. Run 'em thru a blender, on hi. The oils will likely separate, so you need to stir it up good before spreading on whatever.
You can eat it as is or add anything sweet . . . even frickin' mayonaise, though not for me. It's really good with sugar sprinkled on it.
And Elvis ate it on bacon (w/bananas and mayo)
Did wonders for his career.


Well-Known Member
damn all u guys love PB.. i cant wait to try some myself.. damn!

im thinking about moving to Florida.. i hope there is PB hahaha


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Elvis loved a good fried peanut butter and banana sandwich. I've tried it and it's quite good.

For me a PB and blackberry preserves on toasted bread sandwich, with a cold glass of soy milk is awesome. Yummy!


Well-Known Member
is here someone who dont like PB?

i hate punkbuster.. :P :P :P :P :P!!!!

my god i am stoned..

off to a party now, hey nemad if u need pb, just bloody use google.. lol.. its not like they dont send to your country... ^^

