Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

Ecstasy burns your brain, I think Dr. Drew said that 8 pills is good enough to have permanent health problems.

its these posts that make me el oh el.

its like people brought it up pages ago, it was proved it wasnt true, then someone comes along and says it again. this cycle has happened like 5 times.

read the thread you fuck, you know with many sources posted in this thread that all those myths are bull.

btw my brain must be swiss cheese cuz ive candy flipped atleast 5 times a year for the last 4 years.

oh yeah and lsd must have made crazy cuz i did it way more than 7 times. im surprised the strychnine or arsenic hasnt gotten me.

its these posts that make me el oh el.

its like people brought it up pages ago, it was proved it wasnt true, then someone comes along and says it again. this cycle has happened like 5 times.

read the thread you fuck, you know with many sources posted in this thread that all those myths are bull.

btw my brain must be swiss cheese cuz ive candy flipped atleast 5 times a year for the last 4 years.

oh yeah and lsd must have made crazy cuz i did it way more than 7 times. im surprised the strychnine or arsenic hasnt gotten me.


I would believe a doctor before believing a drug addict. I'm sure you will see the side-effects later in life. Next thing you know you idiots are going to be saying that meth cures cancer. I'm not going to play tag with your dumbass, you crack heads always get so offended when someone say's acid or ecstasy is a harmful drug.
I would believe a doctor before believing a drug addict. I'm sure you will see the side-effects later in life. Next thing you know you idiots are going to be saying that meth cures cancer. I'm not going to play tag with your dumbass, you crack heads always get so offended when someone say's acid or ecstasy is a harmful drug.

if you dont care then why would you waste you time typing this? if there so bad off then let them be, its on them, if people arnt responsible witht hat they do then its there fault, whats the point of getting ur two cents in???
lol since some of us like E we are all crack/meth heads.

its pretty hard to talk about something you have never done, and never had interest in.

glad you put in your input, even it be one of hearsay and misinformation.
loved it.
suuch a party drug!
but quit doin that shit afetr i graduated. aslong with all the other drugs. except dope ofcourse;)
Eh. I've only done XTC a couple times. I prefer White Lady (powdered MDMA). Snorting it gives me an INTENSE RUSH. Damn, when I had sex on that stuff it was never the same after. But, I don't do it anymore. I found out what it did and I can't take another Relapse into depression from Serotonin Depeletion.
i never had a problem with sex being ruined with any of drugs ive taken. as with many of my friends.

i never got why they said e would change sex forever once you tried the 2 together.

if anything sex while your not stoned is boring compared to getting baked and bumping uglies.
there was some good yellow batmans going around in califronia recently keep in mind, people copy pills all the time, so youre yellow batmans arent neccesarily these yellow batmans

nope i don't think it was they were bunk man. i didn't end up taking those kind, because they weren't home made but i took 2 double stack blue dolphins (2nd time, different kind) and they WERE home made and my friend knows the dude who makes them and its legit =D but my friends took the yellow batmans and it was Weakk. they were bought from a different person.
im not sure wut you mean home made? arent they all pretty much made in home labs?

no matter wut your friends tell you, they most likely have no clue where these beans are coming from, and if your not testing, you dont know wuts in them.

its the risk you take with rolls, but if you are into em as much as you say, id start testing your rolls. go in on a test kit with a friend, they are cheap and easy.
im not sure wut you mean home made? arent they all pretty much made in home labs?

no matter wut your friends tell you, they most likely have no clue where these beans are coming from, and if your not testing, you dont know wuts in them.

its the risk you take with rolls, but if you are into em as much as you say, id start testing your rolls. go in on a test kit with a friend, they are cheap and easy.

yeah they are, but she knows the guy. probably not, but he told her i guess. its my dealer's good friend from like 10 years ago so i'm thinking its okay. really? how do ya get them?
my friend knows the dude who makes them and its legit =D

I really seriously doubt that....Ecstasy isnt like meth, you need a lot of very expensive laboratory equipment, an experienced chemist, and precursors which are under extreme scrutiny by the DEA. The majority of ecstasy in america comes from huge labs in western europe and the netherlands. Granted there are probably a number of labs operating in the states, but they are usually run by huge criminal enterprises and kept very very secret. So unless youre friend is a high ranking member of the mafia or something like that, than I'd call bullshit on him.