Total Noob - hot outdoors growing


i was given Dosido Cookie seeds, and a little research says it needs to be 70-80 degrees for outdoors - and somewhat humid, so if i am Houston and it will be 90's and humid all summer - will it kill the plant? or just not be as potent? or will sunshade help?
i am a fairly proficient vegetable gardener so i have very rich soil and drip irrigation, just wondering if it is worth a try or should i not even attempt it. ?
any help appreciated!


Well-Known Member
hot temps/too much sun can make a plant stretch and wilt.
if this happens you can shade it a bit in the most hot hours of the day and then remove the shade. make sure you have good airflow


Well-Known Member
Go for it. Most plants adapt to their environments pretty well as I'm sure you know from vegetable farming. Cannabis tends to be adaptable even compared to most plants so if you generally know what you are doing and things aren't TOO extreme from ideal, it'll probably do fine.


Well-Known Member
Since you have general garden experience think of things ahead of time,cannabis grows tall so keep that in mind .Nosy neighbors ? grow some sun flowers to use as screen or a row of corn can hide things also.ccguns


Since you have general garden experience think of things ahead of time,cannabis grows tall so keep that in mind .Nosy neighbors ? grow some sun flowers to use as screen or a row of corn can hide things also.ccguns
got okra in mind for that - otherwise i am pretty safe - thanks!
otherwise - should i plant now, or wait? i read harvest is sep/oct, but no mention of plant date. or is indoors 9 weeks but that is 24/7 light. so mus=uch to lear


Well-Known Member
got okra in mind for that - otherwise i am pretty safe - thanks!
otherwise - should i plant now, or wait? i read harvest is sep/oct, but no mention of plant date. or is indoors 9 weeks but that is 24/7 light. so mus=uch to lear
You'll probably want to wait until after Spring equinox (March 20th) to fully plant outdoors. But might as well go ahead and start germinating now. You could even start them indoors under CFLs or something if you want to really get them established. Also make sure there will likely be no more freezes in your area before you fully plant them outdoors.

Edit to add - if you start them now, and they do well in your area with your soil: they will be huge by the time they go into flower.

Just for your own reference on why: Cannabis is a short day plant. So you'll want to plant as the days are getting longer (after Spring equinox). They'll fully veg through the Summer solstice (June 20th) and then enter flowering growth sometime after that. Indica dominant strains tend to finish earlier (maybe around September'ish) but sativa dominant strains tend to push things even later in the season (maybe even December'ish).
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Well-Known Member
i was given Dosido Cookie seeds, and a little research says it needs to be 70-80 degrees for outdoors - and somewhat humid, so if i am Houston and it will be 90's and humid all summer - will it kill the plant? or just not be as potent? or will sunshade help?
i am a fairly proficient vegetable gardener so i have very rich soil and drip irrigation, just wondering if it is worth a try or should i not even attempt it. ?
any help appreciated!
I grow outdoor in hot weather (Vegas) I already dropped 3 gorilla glue and 7 sour diesels outside in 25 gallon pots I just start early and add a light for couple hours to plant for now to get those sunlight hours back


Well-Known Member
got okra in mind for that - otherwise i am pretty safe - thanks!
otherwise - should i plant now, or wait? i read harvest is sep/oct, but no mention of plant date. or is indoors 9 weeks but that is 24/7 light. so mus=uch to lear
I'm not sure where you're at , I'm a southern New ENglander so its too early here ,there is no sense starting early if seedlings struggle just to survive, nothing gained, I'm sorry I think you said Texas, if thats the case start your seedlings just as you would veggies (pellets,dome,etc.) and I'd say your ready to go down there right about now. Flowering time is dependent on the strain your seeds are a polyhybrid strain so 56-70 days is prob. the range just keep your eyes on botrytis and caterpillars during flowering esp last 2-3 wks your prev, exp. gardening is a real advantage for you it's just a plant follow your instincts and you'll be fine.ccguns