Biden's decision to cancel Keystone is one the US will eventually regret.

A little googling and it seams one container ship produces the same pollution as 50 million cars. Wow. Hard to believe. They’ll have to make a few more boats to get all those China made electric cars over here.
Now I’m not an expert on this but from what I understand is Tx needs this oil. Now if you don’t want Canada’s then you’ll have to get it from an overseas sandbox. Now shipping oil by boat is by far the worlds most polluting way of transportation. Boats use a by product of oil that is like burning asphalt I think?? So one way or another the oil goes to Texas.
How much pollution do you want to make to get it there?
Seriously, fuck Texas
A little googling and it seams one container ship produces the same pollution as 50 million cars. Wow. Hard to believe. They’ll have to make a few more boats to get all those China made electric cars over here.
Only because massive diesel engines are turning the electrical generators turning vastly superior electric motors. Because a viable solar panel has been denied by the oil murders and political lap dogs. Read deeper. And all those electric cars on board will generate a small percent of the carbon of gas. Further decreasing over their life span. Poor counter on your end.
The refineries in the Gulf are designed to deal with a certain 'weight' of oil. The fracking oil is too light to process and get all the products the refineries are designed to produce. So the refineries mix either Canadian oil or Venezuelan oil with the fracking oil.
keep your sludge in canada. you build the pipeline, you refine it, you ship it to china. problem solved.
Only because massive diesel engines are turning the electrical generators turning vastly superior electric motors. Because a viable solar panel has been denied by the oil murders and political lap dogs. Read deeper. And all those electric cars on board will generate a small percent of the carbon of gas. Further decreasing over their life span. Poor counter on your end.
did you see recently the wind powered cargo ships are pretty close to a reality?
You really should at least have a clue of what you're talking about.

The Keystone XL goes nowhere near Texas. Other pipelines take oil to Texas. You don't need the Keystone XL for that.
i'm still pissed that the deepwater horizon leak f'cked up the oysters in LA and TX. i'll never eat gulf oysters again.
My daughter and son in law are still afraid to eat the 2 headed, four eyed shrimp or deformed fish. Not to mention the sludge balls on their frontage beach to this day. FUCK OIL!!
Only because massive diesel engines are turning the electrical generators turning vastly superior electric motors. Because a viable solar panel has been denied by the oil murders and political lap dogs. Read deeper. And all those electric cars on board will generate a small percent of the carbon of gas. Further decreasing over their life span. Poor counter on your end.
Not quite sure boats use diesel
Only because massive diesel engines are turning the electrical generators turning vastly superior electric motors. Because a viable solar panel has been denied by the oil murders and political lap dogs. Read deeper. And all those electric cars on board will generate a small percent of the carbon of gas. Further decreasing over their life span. Poor counter on your end.
In international waters, ship emissions remain one of the least regulated parts of our global transportation system. The fuel used in ships is waste oil, basically what is left over after the crude oil refining process. It is the same as asphalt and is so thick that when cold it can be walked upon. It's the cheapest and most polluting fuel available and the world's 90,000 ships chew through an astonishing 7.29 million barrels of it each day, or more than 84% of all exported oil production from Saudi Arabia.

Shipping is by far the biggest transport polluter in the world. There are 760 million cars in the world today, emitting approx 78,599 tons of Sulphur Oxides (SOx) annually. The world's 90,000 vessels burn approx 370 million tons of fuel per year, emitting 20 million tons of Sulphur Oxides. That equates to 260 times more Sulphur Oxides being emitted by ships than the worlds entire car fleet. One large ship alone can generate approx 5,200 tonnes of sulphur oxide pollution in a year, meaning that 15 of the largest ships now emit as much SOx as the worlds 760 million cars.
don’t burn diesel.

I just copied this. True or not it’s not good.
that is by far the most direct route: sludge, refine on west coast of CA, ship to china.
Oil is a mess. And Canucks ship tons of their trash to my state to bury. Love the Can's. Hate them externalizing their trash on my country. Take your own trash out. Not our place. Did your mother's not teach you to clean up after yourselves?
keep your sludge in canada. you build the pipeline, you refine it, you ship it to china. problem solved.

While I love our neighbors to the north and have fond memories of the few times I've visited, they need to move that oil on their own. The United States does not need that oil from Canada and should not be a transit route for Canadian oil.

The Bakken formation extends into the US so we have all the tar sands we need if we actually needed the oil.
A little googling and it seams one container ship produces the same pollution as 50 million cars. Wow. Hard to believe. They’ll have to make a few more boats to get all those China made electric cars over here.
Multiple companies, all Scandinavian afaik, are working on wind powered cargo ships. There are already a few in service with this technology, though right now it's supplemental, lowering fuel usage by around 15%. With current technology they could lower fossil fuel use in cargo shipping by 90%, if the American corporations and world oil cartel will let them get off their feet. Here is a random article on one is developing,are expected to be lower.
Oil is a mess. And Canucks ship tons of their trash to my state to bury. Love the Can's. Hate them externalizing their trash on my country. Take your own trash out. Not our place. Did your mother's not teach you to clean up after yourselves?
this was the story i was trying to find: let canada do their own dirty work.

but the environmentalists up there shut it down. hmm. they proposed a E to W pipeline thru CA but was deemed to unsafe.
While I love our neighbors to the north and have fond memories of the few times I've visited, they need to move that oil on their own. The United States does not need that oil from Canada and should not be a transit route for Canadian oil.

The Bakken formation extends into the US so we have all the tar sands we need if we actually needed the oil.
bingo. read that article i just posted.
this was the story i was trying to find: let canada do their own dirty work.

but the environmentalists up there shut it down. hmm. they proposed a E to W pipeline thru CA but was deemed to unsafe.

But Canadians are sunny and nice.