Biden's decision to cancel Keystone is one the US will eventually regret.

and that the GOP is heavily invested in the tar sands of canada doesn't help.

God damn I hate Canada's tar sands. That is just the worst. You need tons of water to help separate the oil, so they put these plants near rivers, then of course you need the tailings ponds, which...liner it all you want, it just ends up back in the river, then here come the deformed fish and cancer clusters downstream. Well done Canada, you're becoming more American every minute!
I may be wrong but I thought the sand oil was mixed with the Texas oil?? Makes better quality or?? Again not sure.
The refineries in the Gulf are designed to deal with a certain 'weight' of oil. The fracking oil is too light to process and get all the products the refineries are designed to produce. So the refineries mix either Canadian oil or Venezuelan oil with the fracking oil.
Is this the beginning of the end for gas/diesel powered vehicles?
I hope so, wouldn't that be nice?
Now I’m not an expert on this but from what I understand is Tx needs this oil. Now if you don’t want Canada’s then you’ll have to get it from an overseas sandbox. Now shipping oil by boat is by far the worlds most polluting way of transportation. Boats use a by product of oil that is like burning asphalt I think?? So one way or another the oil goes to Texas.
How much pollution do you want to make to get it there?

You really should at least have a clue of what you're talking about.

The Keystone XL goes nowhere near Texas. Other pipelines take oil to Texas. You don't need the Keystone XL for that.
HA Ha. Here's the truth. Come see the Kalamazoo river water shed after Enbridge competence. Envision the pipelines under the straights of Mackinac leaking. As many anchor strikes have come close to doing. Ask some recipients of oil spills by these environmental terrorists. Oil is a waste, scam, killing our world Too many clean alternatives for our and future generations to live healthily upon. Same subsidies big oil gets would provide rapidly lowering cost and make available for most. If supporting petro industry? You are a part of the problem and obviously under read and ignorant if not. I don't appreciate your endorsements of the poisoning of my fish bowl or the health and lives of our children you threaten. Think about how you would react to someone poisoning your child and threatening your entire existence?
Is this the beginning of the end for gas/diesel powered vehicles?
I take the hint from the auto producers themselves, who, one by one, have looked toward the future and made the decision to go all electric. Then, there are the oil producers who have said "no, thanks" to Individual 1's decision to open up Arctic tracts for drilling. Soon, China and India will produce electric cars and that will nearly end the production of internal combustion engines. There were more electric cars before the oil companies muscled them out of the market in the beginning of auto manufacturing.
Bro, there’s almost nothing but hard left cultists in the political section. You won’t get honest answers from any of them, and 99% have no posts outside the political subsection of a goddamn weed forum.
imagine that: people that smoke and grow a substance that the conservatives want to put you in prison for lean left.

who woulda thunk it?
did your parents have any kids that lived???