I give up, this is not for me...

My first plant was amazing, after that I've had disaster after disaster but I will get it right, it's not just about the plant no more it's about me being able to do it, from writing lists to doing routines to keeping a diary, it's damn frustrating when 3 plants out of 3 all Hermied on you, but it was me, it was something I did, I made the mistake not the plant, I hope you don't give up, if anything it builds character.
Since I've started growing I've had a new appreciation for all plants. I love seeing how they grow.
I overwater plants in soil without trying, that is why I tried DWC. I read that the 3part (2part) GH nutrients are slight better than the Maxibloom. I have no problem mixing them, I would assume Maxibloom would give me the same results. Also the time investment.... I get bud for free, I just tried growing for fun, but it turns out not to be fun when you dial in everything people tell you to and it just doesn't work. But thanks for your response.
Get a blumat watering system then you wont have to worry about over watering. it will take care of the watering for you.
Figure out what works best for your system, it's trial and error. It's not always going to be perfect, sometimes that's the fun of growing. You get to learn new things and improve. It can be very frustrating, I know this personally too many times, but in the end if you gain some knowledge from it. You just have to consider it worth it.
Costco has huge bags of Miracle Gro Organic with perlite and coco. Has kelp meal etc. $14+ for 40#. That’s all a person needs to get rolling. Even use it in Dixie cups to germinate your seedlings. They also have a “better” bag of organic potting soil. About the same price.
Specifically formulated for moisture control for the over enthusiastic gardeners and their water cans.

I experimented with one 7 gallon container of their first organic potting soil last summer. No coco. Needed perlite added. Plant growth was okay and it was not hot. Iguana is organic and one bottle. Doesn’t get any simpler.

You don’t have to start building soil. A couple of chops of good bud and you’ll want to.
It seems like the biggest thing people forget is that it's just a plant that one can easily grow well by simply putting a seed in the ground and doing nothing to it all.
Not really. Just because you've had smooth sailing doesn't mean everyone else will. Too many variables pertain to us all and our own growing environment. Whether it's indoor or out, it's not an equal playing field for all of us
coco coir + mega crop cant go wrong , the KIS(keep it simple) approach , growing a weed its not hard we over complicate things trying to make it better most of time it causes issues
You don’t have bad problems, I had bad problems my first grow, and it ended up amazing. This was her when she was bad, and just a bit before harvest. You can do it!


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Ok I know a lot of members may not agree with this and a little trolling may come my way for saying this. If you really have a desire to grow go simple VERY simple. All you need to feel successful and able to do this is one decent grow. So do it Simple VERY simple. Get yourself a bag of Miracle Grow, some inert perlite, some correctly Ph’d water and have at it. As far as watering goes don’t ever completely soak the pot. Only put in as much water is is needed to keep the roots moist maybe a bit more. You want to make the roots grow out to find moisture. You have the lights and other equipment you need. The only thing you’re lacking is confidence. So, forget the nute regiments, ppm, training, etcetera and all of the complications. Nature will take care of nature. All plants want to grow it’s what they do. So stay out of it’s way. If you run into issues there are plenty of folks here that want to help. Also a shit ton of good stuff on YouTube. While the grow is going read, study, watch, and learn When you get tired of reading, studying, watching, and learning. Read, study, watch, and learn some more. Before you know it you’ll be sitting pretty with jars full of big solid dank and tasty buds.

Of course if you really want to let a plant beat you down we cannot stop you. Whatever you decide best of luck to you and yours.