Public School refund check

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Well-Known Member
For the record: my son is doing distance learning at home. My daughter is still in her dorm room at Georgia State doing her college shit. (Made the Dean's list this, her first, semester!)

I keep my son at home for a good reason: I don't want to die. Being a 3 time cancer survivor, living on one kidney, a fused neck, a three times worked on spine, I can't afford to take any chances at all.

I hate it for my son too. I really do. I'd much rather him be at school than stuck here at home. It's a tough call, but this is a tough situation. I'm not a "please take my kid so I can live my life" type of person like most republicans are.

I'm also furious that our dumbassed republican governor doesn't think teachers are worth vaccinating. Given that half the moronic republicans in this state are anti-mask, anti-vaccine, anti-anything that makes any sense at all, makes it even more infuriating.

It's not that democrats WANT to stay home, WANT to close businesses, WANT to hurt anything or anybody.

It's that we realize it's the ONLY WAY WE'RE NOT GOING TO FUCKING DIE!
REpublicans are happy to sacrifice other people's lives in order to be able to go out for pizza.

Empty Bottle

Active Member
If we don't maintain the Schools/Parking lots where will the food banks distribute desperately needed food that's centraly located? where will go for warmth when the grid collapses, or get instructions for proper fall out methods??

You need to go back to detention class.
How drunk are you?


Well-Known Member
If we don't maintain the Schools/Parking lots where will the food banks distribute desperately needed food that's centraly located? where will go for warmth when the grid collapses, or get instructions for proper fall out methods??

You need to go back to detention class.
He’s Republican he doesn’t believe in helping others

Empty Bottle

Active Member
Trump lied 35000 times during his four years and Republicans believe him when he says, without anything to substantiate it, that he actually won the election.

Their naivete is amazing. Like believing the prostitute when she says she's a virgin.
Trump is gone.
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