Should I defoliate?

not if puny plants are your thing
Depends on your grow, training in veg is growing branches, setting up your structure for flower, you can always grow fan leaves, but too many will keep you from manipulating your structure and maximizing on your yield, if your adding sites you can remove fan leaves all day, and to remove some to bring in more light will be beneficial. For every fan lead you cut 10 more will grow if your doing it right, but you should be careful in flower because new growth has slowed, and you dont want to remove all the plants solar panels
Light says otherwise. Practiced at best. And I'll how mine. And I'm a noob after more decades than are old. Understand that you will never understand. And the more you do. the more you realize you don't understand. Your presentation as pics and text speak clearer than you. You can grow trained plants. Props. Can you actually push them to max potential? I can't. And I'm good. LmAO. Talk to us. Not down to us and we can be civil. Noobs.View attachment 4841516
Hows is that talking down to you? He asked about fan leaves on an indoor grow. Why would you start hacking away at your fan leaves on your monster out door, which looks great by the way and gets 360* of light. But for his under a bulb I suggest removing the fan leaves that are only blocking that light
Thought I had some but no luck. Instead here's a pic of a fast buds blackberry auto such gave me 7 ounces. This strain isn't huge on yield but the qualityView attachment 4841518 fire.
Nice mature run. Fluffy for indoor. But pretty. I would have increased N uptake through better PH control and watered more with a carb amendment. But me. Stiil pretty and I would roll one.
@Miiikke i thought we learned yesterday to speak less and read more?
Hey I should completely right this time right? Yeah the trichome/ pistls thing is tricky at the end and cant be judged by a sugar leaf, but all Im saying is I think he would benefit form moving some fan leaves that are laying over his bud sites
Hows is that talking down to you? He asked about fan leaves on an indoor grow. Why would you start hacking away at your fan leaves on your monster out door, which looks great by the way and gets 360* of light. But for his under a bulb I suggest removing the fan leaves that are only blocking that light
I guess we are reading text without tone. Remove anything mature below the 4th node of any bud you want to grow. And anything growing in. An imature upper leaf is more valuable higher in the cola than removed for blocking light. Is a balancing act and hard to understand for it's basic principle.
@Miiikke you told a guy yesterday to chop his plant when he has zero brown hairs because his trichomes “are all cloudy”
Lol no I said those trichome looked close, which they did, his picture was of a sugar leaf with a few whitle pistlis that were irrelevant. I shouldnt have spoke until I saw the buds, cause that was an obvious 3 or 4 weeks left. These threads are helping me learn by getting feed back from my perspectives and I appreciate all the advice I have been getting!
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I guess we are reading text without tone. Remove anything mature below the 4th node of any bud you want to grow. And anything growing in. An imature upper leaf is more valuable higher in the cola than removed for blocking light. Is a balancing act and hard to understand for it's basic principle.
I think there is a lot of play there also, like you said the plant has endless possibilities and I like to micromanage. Thanks for that rule of thumb tho! I like to put in my two cents cause everyone usually comments on my opinion and perspective and I am able to learn from that, I may sound cocky but I am actually just very intrigued, and looking to learn from not only what I read but from how I see the plant react to my interaction.
Nice mature run. Fluffy for indoor. But pretty. I would have increased N uptake through better PH control and watered more with a carb amendment. But me. Stiil pretty and I would roll one.
yep your spot on. it's was a bit fluffy and res ph had a lot to do with it. The flower additive I use shoots my pH up to around 7 a day after I mix the tank. Was my second grow so wasn't fully on top of it but getting now I'm adjusting it down and letting it bounce back to 6.2 for flower
@Miiikke you told a guy yesterday to chop his plant when he has zero brown hairs because his trichomes “are all cloudy”
And sorry but how is that funny? Anyone would suggest to chop a plant thats trichomes were all “milky” and starting to amber based on preferred final affect wether the pistils were all brown or not, when he showed his buds they obviously weren’t. You go off of trichomes, you judge that judgement off of pistils. White pistils can keep shooting up all the way to harvest. My answer should have been, I need to see the buds. But I still dont agree with what your saying. You could have been growing for 30 years. It doesnt mean you havent been growing trash.
I'm aiming my grow set up to max out the limited space I have to grow rather than learn the art of maxing out a plant. As much as I respect the experience it takes to push a plant to it's full potential it's not the direction I'm going in

I go for a quick grow and high turnover. I don't have much space to play with so I run a 4 X 4 and a 2.5 X 2.5 and I aim to have it all dialled so I can harvest 1.5p every 6 or so weeks. In theory it's deff possible in practice we will see. I'm only a year in and I'm still hunting for the auto strain that's a real keeper.

I'll get a perpetual grow diary up when I feel it's ready to launch so you guys can check it all out.
So self pollination = cloning?
basically yes. if you force a female plant to produce male flowers and pollen then that pollen will not contain any male chromosomes and all the seeds will be female. This is what S1 means, selfed seed 1st gen. If you self it to many times you can create genetic anomalies because it's breeding with itself and you get all kinds of weird shit happening so you are actually better off getting the pollen from one plant and putting it over another.
While self-pollinated seeds have a single parent, they will not be an exact copy (clone) of their parent plant. Clones are made by taking vegetative cuttings.

Sounds like your pissing in the wind
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This cosmic bomb auto came in just a touch over 15 ounces. First I harvested all the tops which is what you see hanging, 8 ounces there. Then I let gave the colas sitting below another week to ripen and got another 6 bags. Then I left the real low hanging stuff for another week and that weighed another about 1.5. Bottom stuff wasn't the greatest smoke but made some Killa brownies
Those pictures all the same cosmic bomb auto? That first one a trimmed close up of it?