Are you using soil or coco or something else as a grow medium?Once every 2 weeks as per instructions on a water only day @Leon727272
Ive noticed way faster veg growth than normal. See what happens in flower.... Ive used diff bacteria sources before but this one seems to be a winner.
Pro mix (bx)Are you using soil or coco or something else as a grow medium?
Ya man keep me posted on thatI am in Canada also and planning on using the Stepwell super soil this year for my outdoor grow (2 plants)........... One plant using Microbial Mass & the other using EM1 (Stepwell's version of Microbial Mass). It will be interesting to see the comparison.
“Microbial Mass is a biostimulant product specially developed to maximize plant yield using five different bacterial strains. The proprietary blend of bacteria promotes a healthy root zone by solubilizing phosphorus and calcium, and assisting with the bioavailability of iron and other fertilization compounds from both organic and inorganic sources. Used to dramatically increase yield, accelerate root development, maximize fertilization efficiency, improve plant immunity, and promote good soil health with enzymes.”I just wanted to read the label but man they make you jump through some hoops to find out what the ingredients are in this stuff.
"Miicrobial Mass features two bacterial strains (Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus megaterium) that have the capacity to produce phytases and organic acids to ensure solubilisation of both organic and inorganic phosphorus. This product therefore allows the plant to absorb phosphorus, an essential nutrient, for better health and growth throughout multiple stages of its development."I just wanted to read the label but man they make you jump through some hoops to find out what the ingredients are in this stuff.
Actually they are listed on the label. Ill take a pic when im done work“Microbial Mass is a biostimulant product specially developed to maximize plant yield using five different bacterial strains. The proprietary blend of bacteria promotes a healthy root zone by solubilizing phosphorus and calcium, and assisting with the bioavailability of iron and other fertilization compounds from both organic and inorganic sources. Used to dramatically increase yield, accelerate root development, maximize fertilization efficiency, improve plant immunity, and promote good soil health with enzymes.”
That’s probably as close to identifying microbe strains as you’re going to get. Note that legal word “proprietary.” Just buy it and try it.
I got a free i duno where you see that but ok."Miicrobial Mass features two bacterial strains (Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus megaterium) that have the capacity to produce phytases and organic acids to ensure solubilisation of both organic and inorganic phosphorus. This product therefore allows the plant to absorb phosphorus, an essential nutrient, for better health and growth throughout multiple stages of its development."
Between the typos, syntax errors, a "Pro" version thst codts extra and the 35$ "free sample" + 20$ shipping. Ill pass on Microbial mass.
"Miicrobial Mass features two bacterial strains (Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus megaterium) that have the capacity to produce phytases and organic acids to ensure solubilisation of both organic and inorganic phosphorus. This product therefore allows the plant to absorb phosphorus, an essential nutrient, for better health and growth throughout multiple stages of its development."
Between the typos, syntax errors, a "Pro" version thst codts extra and the 35$ "free sample" + 20$ shipping. Ill pass on Microbial mass.
Ive used about a dozen microbial and myko inoculates. I do think they work. In my experience tainio stuff is geat, mammoth works well, photosynthesis plus works well, so does recharge and soil balance pro, og bio war can also be effective to just name a few. But Microbial Mass cant even spell correctly. Their product claims sound like poorly understood regurgitation of other product's marketing material.Hm ill have to disagree with you on that one.
They studied wild plants that grew on their own in different areas and colonized the specific bacteria found on the plants naturally. I dont see how its a gimmick. If you havent used bacteria and fungi in your soil I could see how you think its snakeoil. But i can assure you these are good bacteria. You can make a tea with it and it foams up like crazy so the bacteria is clearly viable
I know theres alot of users here who are totally anti weed nutes but they use products like jacks which I am totally anti jacks.
Son, "hate" doesnt mean what they told you it does at Uncle Bull Daddy`s Home SchoolI got a free i duno where you see that but ok.
35 bucks at my grow store. Its on there are multiple outlets to buy it. The pro version is simply more concentrated. So they dont have to ship you a bunch of water. But hate away np