Autos or not?


GrowLab 4’11x2’7x6’7
Mars Hydro TSL-2000
1 White widow autoflower (WW)
2 Northern lights autoflower (NL)
Coco coir w/ perlite
3 gal fabric bag
Sensi Bloom A & B
Big Bud
Bud Candy

So here I am again and the plants are still growing. We are at 74 days and two are in fact 96cm tall. We bought the seeds from High Supplies and haven’t really seen anyone talking about this supplier.
We updated the grow tent as they were outgrowing the old one and got a new light so that it covered all three plants.
We are now thinking of putting the stunted NL into the old tent by itself and changing the lights to 12/12 on the other NL and WW. Do you think changing the lights like this will harm the plants?
I’ve added a pic of a bud site from the big NL and WW. I had thought by now there would have been white hairs…somewhere.
Thank you for your help.



Well-Known Member
I would think autos would have started to flower by that age and if they are 3 ft tall. You may not have autos and need to switch to 12/12. If you have the space you can wait a bit, but you may have 6 ft plants after the flowering stretch as it is.


Well-Known Member
They do not look like they are flowering at all. Either you got some bad phenos where the auto trait is not locked in...or those ain't auto seeds.

May need to cut and trim the plant up heavily so it does not out grow tent. Let them sit a week then flip to 12/12. Will more than double in size after 12/12 flip.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have faulty autos that may need put on 12/12 to initiate flowering but then they could stretch like fucking crazy. Gonna have to train the hell out of it... At 74 days, your auto,- if it was one, would be damn near done by today.


Well-Known Member
GrowLab 4’11x2’7x6’7
Mars Hydro TSL-2000
1 White widow autoflower (WW)
2 Northern lights autoflower (NL)
Coco coir w/ perlite
3 gal fabric bag
Sensi Bloom A & B
Big Bud
Bud Candy

So here I am again and the plants are still growing. We are at 74 days and two are in fact 96cm tall. We bought the seeds from High Supplies and haven’t really seen anyone talking about this supplier.
We updated the grow tent as they were outgrowing the old one and got a new light so that it covered all three plants.
We are now thinking of putting the stunted NL into the old tent by itself and changing the lights to 12/12 on the other NL and WW. Do you think changing the lights like this will harm the plants?
I’ve added a pic of a bud site from the big NL and WW. I had thought by now there would have been white hairs…somewhere.
Thank you for your help.
I doubt they are auto's.. sorry, but it's too late to worry about that. How much vertical space between the tops, and the light raised at max distance?
It's time to start thinking of some last minute super-cropping, or LST to shorten them before you switch your light cycle to 12/12.
We can slander the breeder/seed source late lol j/k

The only worry after controlling the height (If it applies) is are they fem or reg.


Ok thanks. Not much room between the top of plants an light, about 8 inches. Can raise the light a bit more but that will take some maneuvering. I’m all in for slander ;)


Well-Known Member
Most likely not autos or at least autos not properly fleshed out in breeding .... it happens.

Always take a bought strain with a grain of salt as far as what you get in end. Packaging fuck ups happen especially if they remove from breeder packs. Also can happen from breeder seed runs as most will sling first gen seeds. ( which btw ain’t a bad thing if you like to breed your own shit ).

Auto should have threw sex/ preflower by week 5 or 6 from germ. ( average time / some earlier some later ) but after your amount of time in .... i would say FIRST train those bitches THEN FLIP . Reason i say this is it will allow you to temper the stretch when it moves to flower. Plant will have canopy management in place before 12/12......Run them as photos.


GrowLab 4’11x2’7x6’7
Mars Hydro TSL-2000
1 White widow autoflower (WW)
2 Northern lights autoflower (NL)
Coco coir w/ perlite
3 gal fabric bag
Sensi Bloom A & B
Big Bud
Bud Candy

I found out that I didn’t know what super-cropping really was. I have done some LST and defoliation but not to the extent that was super-cropping.
I watched some videos on the internet and 0n 3/1 I cleaned them up. A bit scary but they looked so much better.
On 3/2 we flipped them to 12/12.
Today (3/8) they appear to show white hairs; small but there. I’m just relieved that they are doing something. They are also bushing out again with the fan leave getting huge and covering bud sites. Do I trim them back or should I let them go?
They are about 12 inches from the light and we can get it higher, but it will be a job to do so.

Glad you all are there!


Well-Known Member
Ive bought seeds from them before (high supplies) the first order was good. But the 2nd order never showed up. I contacted them several times with no responses, prob won't order from them again. First order took over a month to receive.


Ive bought seeds from them before (high supplies) the first order was good. But the 2nd order never showed up. I contacted them several times with no responses, prob won't order from them again. First order took over a month to receive.
I won't order from them again either. It did take over a month to get these but when we contacted them about what was going on they were very defensive, not helpful at all.


Well-Known Member
It's been a couple days shy of 2 months and still haven't received the 2nd order or a response. Middle finger to those guys.


Well-Known Member
GrowLab 4’11x2’7x6’7
Mars Hydro TSL-2000
1 White widow autoflower (WW)
2 Northern lights autoflower (NL)
Coco coir w/ perlite
3 gal fabric bag
Sensi Bloom A & B
Big Bud
Bud Candy

So here I am again and the plants are still growing. We are at 74 days and two are in fact 96cm tall. We bought the seeds from High Supplies and haven’t really seen anyone talking about this supplier.
We updated the grow tent as they were outgrowing the old one and got a new light so that it covered all three plants.
We are now thinking of putting the stunted NL into the old tent by itself and changing the lights to 12/12 on the other NL and WW. Do you think changing the lights like this will harm the plants?
I’ve added a pic of a bud site from the big NL and WW. I had thought by now there would have been white hairs…somewhere.
Thank you for your help.
Yea by now auto would have flowered


A quick update and a big thank you to everyone who helped get us this far. 19 days after flipping to 12/12, I am very pleased that things are actually moving along. Still a ways to go but at least there are results.WhiteWidowBloom.jpgNorthernLightBloom.jpg
I'm sure there are more questions to be asked but for now :weed: