Anime your top ten favorites

Do you know if they plan on dubbing it could not find any information on it and thanks for that
No idea at all, sorry...most of what I’ve been watching lately is subbed, not dubbed...really not into subtitles, but even less into bad dubbing, it turns out. Seasons 1-3 of High School DxD were subbed, and I really liked them...bought S4 - dub only - and all the characters talking like hip-hop rejects really messed it up for me.

I don’t really have much in the way of anime info sources. I’ve taken to searching DDG for info on upcoming seasons for shows I really like, but that’s about it: my brother, his son & I share titles we like with each other, and there’s you guys.
Ha I know what to watch assassination classroom
I usually give myself several episodes to get into the swing of things, but Assassination Classroom dumped me out pretty quick....
Mushishi is a beautiful, mellow show, definitely top ten worthy imo, esp if you're in the mood for a show like that.
Appreciate the rec: watched the first ep, and liked it quite a lot...but I don’t think I’m going to binge it like I have other titles. Like short stories....

So what turned you off of it?
Dunno, exactly...the ridiculous yellow godblob, probably. Maybe just that it showed up on my screen after the last episode of a completely different story, and it was Just Too Different(tm) from where that previous story had left me.
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And if you like to laugh check out food wars
That’s a hint I can take...thanks, Jeff

Might as well mention that the only anime property I’ve watched more then once is Sword Art Online. I’ve watched all three seasons twice now, and just finished the Extra Edition and Ordinal Scale. I will probably watch a third time in the next month or so. It’s mostly the story of Kirito and Asuna that hits me so deeply, but I resonate with his other relationships nearly as strongly (with Eugio in SAO 3 in particular, but also Suguho)...and the story frame is pretty captivating, still (longtime computer geek).

Sort of a touchstone for me, it was the first anime story that really caught me. Yeah, I saw Ghost in the Shell in the theater & watched Evangelion a time and a half...and I saw Akira twice, but decided it was too much pointless nihilism for me (or I just didn’t get it). TMI, probably.
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Honest question for you guys. What’s up with the obsession with the anime girls? Y’all like get off to them or what? I mean, I know some do and admit it but I’ve asked this question elsewhere before and they claimed they just liked the art style but I wasn’t really buying it. Way too many pics of scantily clad school girls with huge tits and short skirts for it to not be sexual. No judgement, just curious.
Honest question for you guys. What’s up with the obsession with the anime girls? Y’all like get off to them or what? I mean, I know some do and admit it but I’ve asked this question elsewhere before and they claimed they just liked the art style but I wasn’t really buying it. Way too many pics of scantily clad school girls with huge tits and short skirts for it to not be sexual. No judgement, just curious.
It all about the panty shot
Honest question for you guys. What’s up with the obsession with the anime girls? Y’all like get off to them or what? I mean, I know some do and admit it but I’ve asked this question elsewhere before and they claimed they just liked the art style but I wasn’t really buying it. Way too many pics of scantily clad school girls with huge tits and short skirts for it to not be sexual. No judgement, just curious.
You're talking about hentai...none of the shows we've discussed are like that. Hentai is to mainstream anime what porn is to Hollywood movies. Do you see the distinction? You either have an agenda or are simply ignorant, either way, nothing is forcing you to comment in this thread.
You're talking about hentai...none of the shows we've discussed are like that. Hentai is to mainstream anime what porn is to Hollywood movies. Do you see the distinction? You either have an agenda or are simply ignorant, either way, nothing is forcing you to comment in this thread.
They have Brobly never seen a show and thinks the Teletubbies are what people should be watching
In my dealings with people like this has always confused me they here anime and think it is something to do with adult cartoons and that it has to be about sex and could not be for the stories line or as he put it the art work
Or maybe 16146124582581745592926.jpgbut this might be to much for them I mean there's an ass sticking out I guess this one is about anal sex is that the thinking or what nope I need more of this 1614612846475457954504.jpg