What makes crap weed bad? Genetics or how it's grown?


Well-Known Member
Ide say its 60/40 on the grower I mean any dumb ass can pick the seeds out a bag look at em n think Ima be a farmer when really its more than that you gotta sit down in front a computer, grab a bible n learn ya shit and I think people fail to realize that and are greedy and also fail to realize you get what you work for so if you gone half ass it and a shitty job den your weed will reflect, shitty shit brown twig weed. The other 40 is genetics I mean a grower can only provide so much TLC, sometimes genetics jus fucks up quality.


Well-Known Member
I think it is mostly genetics. And just because someone calls it bagseed, doesn't mean it has bad genetics. The best pot of all times could come out of some unidentified bag seeds. And if the pot is full of seeds, like the stuff I used to get for $10 an ounce back in the seventies, it isn't a good indication of how strong the pot would be if you got rid of the males and grew it right. The reality is bagseed is nothing more than unidentified genetics that nobody bothered to separate and collect.

They don't call it "weed" for nothing. As long as you don't screw it up, good genetics will grow good pot. And the reverse is true, I don't care how much babying you do, if it has poor genetics, all your growing skill won't mean anything.


Well-Known Member
9867- i agree with you it seems we are the only ones that do not know what we are talking about among all the grow geniuses

id like to give some of them some grade F seeds from grade F smoke maybe some of that 19 dollar for ten seeds stuff and see if they can grow it into grade A cup winning smoke

what a joke



Well-Known Member
9867- i agree with you it seems we are the only ones that do not know what we are talking about among all the grow geniuses

id like to give some of them some grade F seeds from grade F smoke maybe some of that 19 dollar for ten seeds stuff and see if they can grow it into grade A cup winning smoke

what a joke

Everyone on this board has access to high quality genetics and people on here still manage to grow crap. Care to explain?


Well-Known Member
This is how I believe things are:

The basic qualities of the plant - sativa, indica, %THC, early or late - is determined by genetics.

How much bud you get depends on how you grow it - soil, ferts, pots and lighting.

Final sweetness of the smoke - how carefully you dry and cure it.


Well-Known Member
I have, on my first grow
It's a really old thread but I agree with you. This is so subjectical really and growers lack of skill often get mistaken by "bad genetics".

I've gotten clones from "crap genetics" and taken over plants who were said to be total garbage. Guess what? Every single one turned out to be some good stuff.

One of my best crosses (Mad Kush x Blue Streak #2) I gave to my friend who grew it and said it was complete garbage, tried growing it myself and it was absolute killer.

He was a chronic overfeeder though. Thought he was the best grower around but he didn't use pH or EC pens in hydro so it's pretty laughable really.
He only grew lows to mids which he said was FIRE and the only acceptable smoke he ever grew came from really sturdy and easy to grow genetics. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Grown bag seed, grown “great” genetics... good either way! You must remember that most of the high grade genetics you buy from banks used to be the same as bag seed. It was grown somewhere else naturally by indigenous people for generations. And most of what you have now are hybrids. A mix of genetics that someone worked for months or years to stabilize and max out the traits that we look for. Some of the pure Asian sativas only have 12-15% thc but it’ll blow the top of your head off. So I guess it’s all perspective...

conor c

Well-Known Member
Well op considering chemdog og kush and god knows how many strains came outta bagseed so always worth bearing that in mind also im pretty sure many people have bought b grade weed and when they found and grew out the bagseed they did a better job themselves than the shit they bought originally


Active Member
Back in the day, most I could find where I live is mexican dirt weed. That shwag had tons of seeds, and took an entire bowl to catch a buzz. It was $60 an ounce. I wonder the same thing. It has to be bad genetics + bad growing. Not sure what else would cause such weak weed other than genetics.


Well-Known Member
I guess this 11-year-old thread has officially been resurrected crazy to see all the bad info. We have come a long ways as a community in 10 years :hump: :weed: Genetics & environment #1 & 2! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Back in the day, most I could find where I live is mexican dirt weed. That shwag had tons of seeds, and took an entire bowl to catch a buzz. It was $60 an ounce. I wonder the same thing. It has to be bad genetics + bad growing. Not sure what else would cause such weak weed other than genetics.
Same here @mikaroni but we actually tried to grow a couple seeds from our mex. 10 seeds = 3 females, 2 of which grew out awesomely. Considered it a hybrid as it shared traits from both indica and sativa. Tropical fruit skunk smell and was way stronger than weed that made the seed!