using a normal tent what do you think?


Well-Known Member
oh my i havnt laughed like this in awhile... sure you could grow in ther but you would be beter off with 2x4s and panda film...... i wouldnt even consider that tent


Well-Known Member
:) sorry forgo to mention it will be lined with mylar ( well actually im using space blankets not as reflective as mylar more reflective than flat white) and when the lights go off its pitch black...


New Member
really not a bad idea ya i laughed my ass off also ,my only concern would be lighting limited on wattage lamps get hot how big tent can u walk into it over 6ft


Well-Known Member
im using low wattage and cool running 125 w envirolights my mate used themf or his plants to great effect erm yeh i dont mind knealingdown and stuff cant wait :) second think how many do u recon i can get in there?


Well-Known Member
hey man the dimensions of that tent are

Size (H)100, (W)150, (L)205cm

how many are u growing in ur specs? cheers would be appreciatted if people could tel me how many i could grow in those dimensions in that tent. Safe


Well-Known Member
Okay, so you're looking at a tent with roughly a 5x6.7 foot print. If you look at the tent or most tents for the matter, they get smaller as you move closer to the top. If you're going to be using 33 square feet of floor space, USE IT. If you're really set on using a camping tent then try to find a square one. Using a tent that tapers at the top is just a waste of space. There are plenty of grow tents out there that work great and come with pre-made ports for air cooled lights, ducting, fans, power cords, etc.


Well-Known Member
this is available and free so i might aswell use it how many plants do u recon i can fit though?


Well-Known Member
this is available and free so i might aswell use it how many plants do u recon i can fit though?
You might want to consider sea of green in that tiny little thing. It's only 3.2 feet tall so you're going to have issues if you have a strain that likes to grow tall. Do high numbers and flower them small so you don't have to worry about your plants getting too close to the light. Since you're starting out in a confined space make sure you plan ahead. Resevoirs and trays can sometimes stand over 2 feet tall. That would leave you with about 14 inches for plants and lighting.

I would get an ebb and flow flood tray but don't drill the holes in it. Set up a drip system and keep your reservoir outside of the tent to save space. Do sea of green and grow a bunch of little ones at ground level. This will give you about 2 feet of space between your plants and the light. Keep in mind that you should only grow them about 4 or 5 inches before flowering. They're going to double or triple in size during flowering depending on the strain so you don't want them to get so big during veg to where you find yourself making the decision, do I let them get burned by the light or do I pull them early?

I have only been growing for 6 years so I bet somebody has a better method, but that's my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
kk well im planning on using soil and stuff seeing as im tight on cash and ebb and flood stuff i would have to get off the net im growing white rhino and erm yeah im just gonna hope for the best im gonna germ 4 planf or 2 females in tehre but ill see and is sea of green if im right when u pin down the branches coming out and stuff?


New Member
with my confined space 3x6 im got 2 large and 5 smaller plants i can pull off no more than 8 and thats pushing it and i cant do it in a closet need a small bedroom my closet now with 2 large 5 small very hard 2 work around dude 3ft tall tent no way cant be done


Active Member
I dont see why this is so funny, there is a tent behind the wall in my attic crawl space used for the exact same purpose. Its only bout 4 feet tall and only one plant for now. The screen mesh allows ventilation, the enclosure helps a lil with temp control. an that tarpy thing is good for blocking the light ( but not THAT good. Dont think just because it's in a tent its going to be a sterile environment, I thought so, and now im fighting bugs :( Another thing it might be tricky to hang the lights in there


Well-Known Member
You might be able to stick may be around 8 to 10 Im guessing but i wouldn't risk over 6 due to the bushiness it may get... also there is a product out called dr.node it will stunt the growth of your plant and make it bush out on the sides instead of going up.Also a flood trey is easy and you can buy it from wal-mart or target to get the supplies.


Well-Known Member
i cant get a flood tray thingy its too exspensive and stuff ive got like 25 quid which im gonna spend on soil and 3 gallon buckets im planning on having 3 plants. and with the lights im sowing like a handle for where they are hanging and it should be good when it all gets going pictures will be up. The basement is pitch pitch black when lights go off so its cool :) and yeah peace


Well-Known Member
you want to be careful with how you setup your light because it may cause a lot of heat and may burn the tent. what kind of light are you using?


Well-Known Member
ahh, those lights you can use for the entire cycle but you wont yield much... or so ive heard... i stick with the 1000w i only use low wattages for my clones...