Thanks for ypur reply everybody, all great info.
So im thinking after allyas replies ma babies can take a hit!
So i decided im gonna go perrdy heavy tmorrow. Pruning and defol.
Hope they stretch some more, and widen, so i can install my trellis/scrog.
Ive got a 4x8, or 1.2x2.4cm space. Got 2.4m, or 4

height total, thinkin im gonna go like 1.8 at harvest. Im only at like 60-70cm above floor now. Got like 30-40cm of plant.......
Was hoping to flip within 2.5-3weeks....
Can u explain this for me; The few that are not really messed with can be bent over and take up a lot of room. I think you are ready for some lst and the flip.