Random Jabber Jibber thread

New Omegle Bars. He's doing so much these days that I think he ran out of Omegle footage to just piece together and throw out there. This is all one session, and he's got the camera straight at him instead of the profile shot he usually uses. It's all fire, and good energy from the lucky participants. Enjoy...

Bonus Cheese puff rap from Omegle #8, it is outstanding.

New Omegle Bars. He's doing so much these days that I think he ran out of Omegle footage to just piece together and throw out there. This is all one session, and he's got the camera straight at him instead of the profile shot he usually uses. It's all fire, and good energy from the lucky participants. Enjoy...

Bonus Cheese puff rap from Omegle #8, it is outstanding.


Nice! Did you watch 23? Holy hell that one was fkn fire. I watched the magician at least 20 times, and I swear I was hearing shit I didn't before each and every time. And the one that he breaks out for the girl in England was amazing. His play on words,double entendres, and his inclusion of those he's rapping for is something really special.

I went and saw my grandma today. She would've been 100. She passed a little before 99. We honestly thought she was going to live at least another 5-10 years. She had a fall a few months before she passed. It seems that fall changed her. Shortly after the fall some dementia started to set in. Anyway I think she got out just in time. She escaped the horror of covid which ran through the home she was at.
It was a nice visit and I actually got to see a lot of my family. We all showed up around the same time. 6', masks and air hugs.
Happy birthday grandma, I love you.

Took the pic early on, before I left there were a ton more flowers and balloons
