Fox Farm Vs. Miracle Grow

A lot of good information in here I will be looking forward to seeing what you do with a better light and you might want to look into getting some better soil Fox Farm and Miracle-Gro are made by the same company
Hortibloom is another great Alibaba vendor, OP. I believe they have their own website and are also forum advertisers. Lots of options out there!
Oh wow, this just opened a new world up to me. Wow amazing, so glad I came on here seeking advice. I think I understand the basics with indoor cultivation but this is really going to help me get my desired results. Thanks so much Frankie. This is so great :)
A lot of good information in here I will be looking forward to seeing what you do with a better light and you might want to look into getting some better soil Fox Farm and Miracle-Gro are made by the same company
Nothing wrong with Fox Farm unless your issue is with company ethics. It's readily available, fairly cheap and gives good results.
A lot of good information in here I will be looking forward to seeing what you do with a better light and you might want to look into getting some better soil Fox Farm and Miracle-Gro are made by the same company
Oh wow! I did not know that. Well that stinks. I am not in a position to compost and get real fancy. But any good soil I can order or get at the HD or Lowes works for me... Even mixing my own is cool. I added some perlite to both the FF and MG. I have a mix I like to use for my tomatoes in the summer so I started this grow with my go to blend...
All good just wanted to point out the fact that the 2 soils we're made by the same company trial and error is one of the best ways to go
Oh wow! I did not know that. Well that stinks. I am not in a position to compost and get real fancy. But any good soil I can order or get at the HD or Lowes works for me... Even mixing my own is cool. I added some perlite to both the FF and MG. I have a mix I like to use for my tomatoes in the summer so I started this grow with my go to blend...
You're fine sticking with the fox farms. There are threads with people growing good weed with miracle grow but its not the best. You seem to have the basics down, lack of light was your biggest problem.
Hopefully you will find it or something like it useful best of luck to you with all of your endeavor be looking forward to seeing what you do next as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family and friends
I've got a grow with FFOF and FFHF. The Happy Frog is a lot more stable. The Ocean Forest always seems to need something extra. But there are two different strains in each.