Tossed a seed in my neighbors flower bed

My dad told me a story growing up about one of his best friends getting arrested for doing this exact thing :lol: That was back in the 70s.
My biggest concerns would be Karen's with cell phones, and security cameras. How many other people have noticed it and are now watching it?
I agree with Wizz, chucking an illegal substance into someone's yard unbeknownst to them is a little shady. Imagine getting arrested for something you had absolutely no knowledge of.
There was a similar story in 'Neighbours' the oldschool Australian tv series where the local gardener planted cannabis in one of his clients gardens, I'll have to try dig it ou
I’m not worried about it. I don’t live in a rich white neighborhood lol. My old neighbor used to give me tree anyways so I’m not worried. And let someone try to come in my house without permission! They’ll meet my 12ga
I dont understand, they gave me weed before so its okay for me to put a plant in their yard thats not hidden where the home can become burglarized / vandalized, but fuck anyone if they came to MY house ill shoot them
I dont understand, they gave me weed before so its okay for me to put a plant in their yard thats not hidden where the home can become burglarized / vandalized, but fuck anyone if they came to MY house ill shoot them
I guess you’re right. No one lives there currently and if I see someone moving in, I’ll remove it. That was the plan. Apartment has been vacant for almost a year now