Random Jabber Jibber thread

Chicago, like a lot of the country, has been getting hit with constant snow and subzero temps. First time in 5-6 years, I was forgetting what Chicago winters were like. I was going down stairs very carefully to meet a client the other day, and my feet slipped from underneath me and went above my head. I hit the stairs then slid down that flight. I lie there for a minute wondering if I was okay - it didn't hurt at all, did I sever my spinal cord? I got up slowly and brushed off the snow, and turned around to realize that the deep snow on the stairs was covering a think sheet of ice. Too bad no one got to see that, it must have looked hilarious. I've laughed out loud about it a few times since. Anyway, they are coming to remove all the snow and ice tomorrow (a little too late for me), so I wanted to take a few pictures of the monster icicles on my back porch. Some of these weigh 100+ pounds and could easily kill a passerby if they fell. Pretty though...




❤ I couldn't live with myself knowing I broke someone's heart.

I searched unsuccessfully for an image of a cheese slicer cutting a hot dog.
I found this ... uncomfily close.


And this evil thing that mangles two metaphors at once -

And bruised. A little to aggressive with a popsicle?

One evening the lounge at a hotel I was staying in had a Popsicle eating contest and a Cream Puff eating contest.

One of the local girls we had made friends with entered the Popsicle contest.
There were only 3 contestants and her turn would be 3rd.

1st girl was amusing but lacked luster.
2nd girl did well until she bit the popsicle in 1/2.

Just before our friend got up I told her how to win.

The first girl looked like someone just eating a popsicle with an added lick.
The second was obvious when she bit it in two.
What was common was they both help the popsicle by the stick.
Image result for penis popsicle gif

I told her " go up there and mean business, grab onto that popsicle and have fun, suck it like you mean it."
Image result for penis popsicle

She did just that and won. It was an entertaining evening and after winning she bought a round of drinks for our table with part of her winnings.

Image result for penis popsicle