
Which shot are you getting ? The one that alters your RNA and doesn't kill you until sometime in the future or the one that kills you right away?

Speaking of shots, you realize you'll probably have no legal recourse against the "vaccine" * makers right ?

And yes vaccine manufacturers already have immunity

* many are not real vaccines, but since I know explaining that will be laborious and somewhat fall on deaf ears, I'm just gonna roll one up and say fuck it.
Omg were you on Trumps “science” team?
Which shot are you getting ? The one that alters your RNA and doesn't kill you until sometime in the future or the one that kills you right away?

Speaking of shots, you realize you'll probably have no legal recourse against the "vaccine" * makers right ?

* many are not real vaccines, but since I know explaining that will be laborious and somewhat fall on deaf ears, I'm just gonna roll one up and say fuck it.
Please tell me that you are joking, 'alters your RNA' ... wow as a Biochemist I want to reach through my screen and strangle you, are you serious?
You didn't refute the report though.

Anyway, that's nothing, I've heard of a President who won a Peace Prize drone killing an American teenager without due process. Guess that same guy claimed to be a "Constitutional Professor" or some such horseshit.
You keep posing shit from PROVEN quacks. Wtf no wonder you’re a quack.
Please tell me that you are joking, 'alters your RNA' ... wow as a Biochemist I want to reach through my screen and strangle you, are you serious?

As a Computer Screenologist (how'd you like that one?) I want to remind you that you can't reach through the screen.
So why not wait to don his mask until he picked up his other party?....
I don't think that was the case tho I just think he was "one of those ppl" who wear their masks in their car alone
you do relize that your not meant to be touching your mask right?

Scenario: You wash ur hands and put a new or washed mask on. Go into the store and wander around a bit and buy something and go back to ur car. Now if u take ur mask off with your hands and if there is covid on the mask you just got it on ur hands. You drive home smearing covid on ur stearing wheel and controls and all around ur face as you pick ur nose and scratch ur ears.
If you don't like the looks of the ducks bill N95s try wearing them with a duckling yellow PPE gowns. You look like a quack.
I'm not sure it's been empirically determined if you've had the virus you can't pass it or that you can't be reinfected. It's ok to forget you have your mask on in your MV as long as you take it off when you notice. Sometimes I get so stoned I forget. I also wear one when I walk the dogs. It keeps my nose warm and comfortable. It's a win win.
I've had both jabs of the Pfizer vaccine but I still wear my mask every where. The science tells us to wear a mask so we wear masks.
Considering the number of congenital liars that suddenly developed "health problems" to maintain their free-dumb, ya kinda have to. I hired a new guy a week ago. He didn't wanna wear a mask. Claimed he had Covid. I said, great, bring a positive antibody test in and we're all good.

No test result was given.

Mask up, snowflake!
Having had covid is no longer a defense to not wear a mask. People are being reinfected with the new strains as if they never had it.
I think you're referring to the KN95s. The N95s have a more half spherical shape which is quite comfortable and form fitting.
You mean like this one? ;)

I have 2 full boxes of N95s. I've had them since before the pandemic. I use one at a time and when needed I try to clean the rim that touches my face with hot water and bleach. I treat them like gold cause lets face it. If I was a super POS, I could prob sell them for the same price to someone willing to pay for it. Fuck that. I need them.
Early on in the pandemic I posted on some You Tube prepper sites that I had heard they were donating some of their masks to their local ER. That I thought it was great they were doing this, but they should be more public about is so others would follow suit. Some of them were trying hard to say hell no in a nice way. But most just said hell no, I'm not giving up any of my masks, screw everybody else.
Not sure how keen hospitals would be to use masks outside the normal supply chain. I have a few used for woodworking, not in a box. Might even have some sawdust on them.
I guess they’re right @Rob Roy hard to drive with DWI’s huh? Those cops set you up. They placed a bar within driving distance of your house. Complete setup by the govt. you should call your local Republican rep. They can get you out of any trouble.
I guess they’re right @Rob Roy hard to drive with DWI’s huh? Those cops set you up. They placed a bar within driving distance of your house. Complete setup by the govt. you should call your local Republican rep. They can get you out of any trouble.
Total nonsense.

They set that bar up OUT of driving range, which is why he got caught passing out and ramming a family of four before he could get home.
Idk? Looks like it says two different numbers on it. Resembles the one that I'm thinking of tho. Mine have a much more rigged outer layer and a plastic filter on the front.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety - signifies that it meets their specifications, the other is the manufacturer and its product number. There are different kinds. Some are not up to the N95 standard. China sold Canada a load and then it was found they did not meet spec. I have some that are more pleated but looks to be the same material. Found it,


They are great, can really load them up before they are hard to breath through.
Idk? Looks like it says two different numbers on it. Resembles the one that I'm thinking of tho. Mine have a much more rigged outer layer and a plastic filter on the front.
That’s the N95 duck bill. Notice the elastic bands that go all the way around the head.
the KN95 mask has ear loops .

These are the ones I ordered on Amazon. These are fantastic! I highly recommend them. Comfortable and look good. The have a nice tight seal with metal nose piece and many layers of filtration. 10 pack is like$35-$40. They can be worn many times over because they are very durable.36C1680C-44CC-4315-9F06-DB3D49C03E38.jpeg