Well-Known Member
amazed he got through a post without crying about spray paintIf nothing else, I'm pleased to see him agree that half the nation actually are racist. First step is admitting the problem.
amazed he got through a post without crying about spray paintIf nothing else, I'm pleased to see him agree that half the nation actually are racist. First step is admitting the problem.
Yep, lets start a big ass witch hunt and find all the racists and ruin their lives. Lets see if we can't alienate half the population and push them into a corner and see if they bite. So this is Biden's bringing everyone together. I see it working out real well.
Racists and fascists under every bed. They're in the media, they're in industry, they're in the shower touching our pee pee. We must root them out and punish them all.
Mccarthyism died in the 50's lets see if we can't invent something to take it's place. Are you now or have you ever been a systemic racist?
amazed he got through a post without crying about spray paint
I call bullshit on 'half the population'.Yep, lets start a big ass witch hunt and find all the racists and ruin their lives. Lets see if we can't alienate half the population and push them into a corner and see if they bite. So this is Biden's bringing everyone together. I see it working out real well.
Racists and fascists under every bed. They're in the media, they're in industry, they're in the shower touching our pee pee. We must root them out and punish them all.
Mccarthyism died in the 50's lets see if we can't invent something to take it's place. Are you now or have you ever been a systemic racist?
No, you just won't be tolerated or platformed. You have the right to say what you want but that doesn't absolve you of consequences for your actions.
Biden rejoined the Paris Accord and that's my main concern. I don't really care if you want to cry on low interaction social media platforms.
i can see why everyone you know cancelled youTurning control over speech to multinational tech companies, that will never come back to bite us in the ass.
With Biden you also get Keystone XL scrapped so all that oil goes on rail instead of a pipe. Big improvement there. As long as the price of oil doesn't suddenly spike up as soon as we emerge from the corona clusterfuck that won't bite us in the ass either.
Yeah, antifa seems pretty insignificant to me as well. Same with the number of people being fired for dumb stuff. Sorry he doesn't think employers should have the right to fire whomever they want....ohhhhhh wait, he only wants people fired for things he likes. I swear, some people don't know the difference between the constitution and "things I like". Super common with 'necks, if they don't like it....it must not be legal.
So you think I won't be able to walk outside to the corner and say whateverthehell I want to because of 'multinational tech companies'?Turning control over speech to multinational tech companies, that will never come back to bite us in the ass.
With Biden you also get Keystone XL scrapped so all that oil goes on rail instead of a pipe. Big improvement there. As long as the price of oil doesn't suddenly spike up as soon as we emerge from the corona clusterfuck that won't bite us in the ass either.
Im guessing that word is something you pulled out of your ass.So first we put a bunch of laws in place which prevent people from being fired because they are old, pregnant, black, gay, disabled, or whatever. Then we give employers cart blanche to fire anyone because their comment was "a Systemically Racist Microagression" whatever the fuck that might be. Hmm.. that won't come to bite us in the ass down the road.
So first we put a bunch of laws in place which prevent people from being fired because they are old, pregnant, black, gay, disabled, or whatever. Then we give employers cart blanche to fire anyone because their comment was "a Systemically Racist Microagression" whatever the fuck that might be. Hmm.. that won't come to bite us in the ass down the road.
comparing your desire to be openly racist to civil rights, clown shitSo first we put a bunch of laws in place which prevent people from being fired because they are old, pregnant, black, gay, disabled, or whatever. Then we give employers cart blanche to fire anyone because their comment was "a Systemically Racist Microagression" whatever the fuck that might be. Hmm.. that won't come to bite us in the ass down the road.
You really hit the big time if you found Victoria's secret.I know. I was there. I never got so desperate as to rely on Nat Geo.
Redbook, Vogue and McCall's got the job done just fine.
Lotta people don't want leaky oil pipes on their land poisoning their water/crops/families. At least it's well contained in a tanker. Sure it's more expensive, but doing things the right way is more expensive 100% of the time. Never anywhere anytime has doing things the right way been the easiest and least expensive method.
Lac-Mégantic rail disaster
I think most in the oil industry would beg to differ with oil being moved by rail as the 'right way.'
Whatever, I don't live near a rail line so knock yourself out.
I have no problem with people's freedom to burn flags. However when it comes to fixing problems and surviving the shit storm which is coming I think people who rally behind them as opposed to burning them will be more likely to productively deal with the problem.
If the only thing you are capable of doing is burning flags, spray painting shit, burning buildings and whining you are more likely to be part of the problem than the solution. As of yet I don't think I have seen shit for progress coming out of Antifa short of attaching itself to BLM like an anchor and pulling the whole damn thing down.
Tell you what. Show a concrete example of me being racist in this thread and I will close my account and leave forever. Not some woke microagression bullshit systemic racism crap but something tangible. Not, you're a Trumper and all Trumpers are racist from birth or other such shit but actual racism.
BTW, I was given a choice between Hillary and Trump. Having dug into the Clinton history, in particular what happened in the Travel Office to Billy Dale I chose to go with the devil I didn't know, not the one I did. This time the DNC fucked Bernie yet again and instead pushed Biden to the front despite the fact that no one really seemed to like him. Given the history of the Obama administration I have no desire for a repeat. It was 8 years of no change and no hope, just more bullshit. Harris is just more anti-pot icing on top of the three layer shit cake. I would prefer an inept wanna be dictator who succeeds only in keeping the system in chaos and off of my back. Personally I'm not threatened by some tattooed fuck invading the Capital building and declaring shaman law for 30 minutes. I am threatened by a president who threatens to take my AR-14 away. I'm not sure if I'm more threatened by his desire to take my things or by the fact that he doesn't seem to know exactly what he wants to take away. I'm also slightly threatened by the thought of someone in the whitehouse firing off a double barrel shotgun into the darkness periodically to scare off intruders.
Magat are you virtue signaling? Incorporate the ellipsis into that word shit. Keep it real you ignorant fuck you're not educated or concerned with knowledge.Yep.. it does appear that most people who disagree with me have the minds of 10 year olds. Post a picture, call names.. This is what happens when you pay teachers less than double the minimum wage for two generations straight.
need guns to stop antifa from spraypainting your plants?Tell you what. Show a concrete example of me being racist in this thread and I will close my account and leave forever. Not some woke microagression bullshit systemic racism crap but something tangible. Not, you're a Trumper and all Trumpers are racist from birth or other such shit but actual racism.
BTW, I was given a choice between Hillary and Trump. Having dug into the Clinton history, in particular what happened in the Travel Office to Billy Dale I chose to go with the devil I didn't know, not the one I did. This time the DNC fucked Bernie yet again and instead pushed Biden to the front despite the fact that no one really seemed to like him. Given the history of the Obama administration I have no desire for a repeat. It was 8 years of no change and no hope, just more bullshit. Harris is just more anti-pot icing on top of the three layer shit cake. I would prefer an inept wanna be dictator who succeeds only in keeping the system in chaos and off of my back. Personally I'm not threatened by some tattooed fuck invading the Capital building and declaring shaman law for 30 minutes. I am threatened by a president who threatens to take my AR-14 away. I'm not sure if I'm more threatened by his desire to take my things or by the fact that he doesn't seem to know exactly what he wants to take away. I'm also slightly threatened by the thought of someone in the whitehouse firing off a double barrel shotgun into the darkness periodically to scare off intruders.
So let the police deal with the problem?
Are you Russian?
Hate is a learned trait, teach your children to care for others. Your microwave solution isn't the best for our scrambled eggs.