Someone help

Well sincebits only happening to new growth and thats IT. I say dehydration of sum sort
O.k. then.
But to me it looks like the combination of an undersized blurple light that is too close to the plant, that is in an environment that's is likely too cold. Although it doesn't seem to be upset with the humidity yet.
What are you growing in?
And if you have a picture of the plant in regular white light, it would tell us more about what is happening.
O.k. then.
But to me it looks like the combination of an undersized blurple light that is too close to the plant, that is in an environment that's is likely too cold. Although it doesn't seem to be upset with the humidity yet.
What are you growing in?
Well i doubt its undersized i have 2 80 watt lights above it and it way over 2 feet above the plant so thata not the problem bro i jave harvested 3 plants in this setup.and it s a closet in my house so its not cold bro or id be cold haha
Well i doubt its undersized i have 2 80 watt lights above it and it way over 2 feet above the plant so thata not the problem bro i jave harvested 3 plants in this setup.and it s a closet in my house so its not cold bro or id be cold haha
All im saying if it was the combination. Then i would of seen a problem before this
Need pics in natural light and more details on your grown to help (planting medium, nutrient regime, preferably temps and rh).

It's not dehydration. I don't know where you looked that up but I'm 100% that's not the issue. Leaf bronzing like that is usually a pH or nutrient issue. Immobile nutrients cause damage on the new growth only or first.

Also, how can you know its not a root issue?