I like it. It's the simplest hydro system and I can't screw up the watering like I can with soil. I've used 70/30 perlite/coco and straight perlite.
Not sure I get the question "how you did it". It's just a bucket with a drain hole 2" from the bottom. I feed nutrient-water solution until I get 20-30% runoff.
I do basically this except I shoot for a bit less run off and use a 50/50 coco/perlite blend by CHar-Coir. Mother Earth 70/30 Coco/Perlite is bomb too, if not actually better honestly and I can get 1.5 cu/ft bags in Mid Michigan for $10-12 a pop out the door.
I do not agree with adding a base layer of perlite to your pot/medium either, its actually the opposite of what you want. The deep tap roots are where you want your water to be getting soaked up, by adding perlite to the bottom layer your bottom is going to dry out faster than your top and you'll likely see problems from this such as having to compensate by over watering or perhaps even having to bottom feed and ending up with salt buildup. All nightmares easily avoided.
Coco/Perlite is the closest you can get to Hydroponic results without having all of the variables and potential for error, at least much much less potential for error. Really with Coco just make sure your PH of your feed is 5.8-6.2 PH and let it rip.
With Coco I mix up a 5 gallon or 20 gallon reservoir with plain RO water, mix in my base nutrients and supplements, shoot for around 1200-1400 PPM (6 foot tall plants in 10 gal containers) and water every-other-day unless they get a bit light and need a bit of water in-between.
When growing in Coco always add 5ml/gal of CalMag+ Minimum, Coco naturally absorbs positive ions such as Iron & Calcium and doesn't release it back to the plant. This is why you need to supplement no matter what for best results and to avoid potential of dreaded CalMag Deficiency.