Soil question


I bought some soil about 3months ago from lowes and for some reason when I try to water my plants it doesn't seem like the soil is getting wet matter of fact I know it's not getting wet because until transplanted them they were always drooping the day after I watered them and I'm not over watering them so does anyone know what might have caused this problem?


Well-Known Member
Yes the water just goes down the side of the pot like there's oil in top of the soil or something and the soil never gets wet, I have new soil now but I was just wondering should I throw that away
See above, as well as you can scratch the soil up first by fingers, or add non scented dish soap, a few drops per gallon, not the antibacterial type.
Hope this helps.


It's surface tension more than likely. Using a yucca extract helps Break that tension. Try using a pump sprayer and saturating the top layer slowly.. this should break that tension, allowing you to water slowly.
yucca extract? Ok I'll try that


Like Fast Freddy said you can scratch that top layer breaking it up manually.. but think of it like a sponge, if it's dry and you place under running water, does it soak it up immediately, or do you need to massage it, once it's started taking on water, does it easily absorb it? Yucca extract does help, or even better is slf100 as it's an enzyme too... you don't have to have either tho really... Just another tool in the box.


Well-Known Member
What brand of soil is it exactly? Some of those cheap potting soils have zero drainage. Rather than use a wetting agent, you may need to add some perlite and transplant.


Well-Known Member
What brand of soil is it exactly? Some of those cheap potting soils have zero drainage. Rather than use a wetting agent, you may need to add some perlite and transplant.
Excellent point Sir...high peat based for example.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Just water slowly, spray with water the top of the soil, let it sink, then water a little, let it sink, repeat untill it's fully saturated.