Theory 67 and 68
I grow with prefertilized coco coir . Hot nutes .
How I prepare coco with or without prefertilyzered .
Add water to coco .
flush flush flush
add strong nutes
flush flush flush
add blue grass seed lawn grass
add nutes
flush flush flush
does grass seed sprout
if so , then add nutes
flush flush flush
if blue grass seeds don't sprout ; start over and repeat process .
if blue grass seeds do sprout , do they need nutes
if do not need nutes; flush flush flush
eventually let grass grow for a week
every day water heavy or flush
after a week yank up bluegrass and flush flush flush
lightly nutes
llightly flush
plant cannabis seed or put in seedling clone or seedling you grew .
flush once a day
feed nutes when neccesary
when plants lose rich green color and look faded green feed nutes
flush everyday until you need nutes
flush everday regardless of wether it needs nutes or not .
I put a layer of perlite on bottom of pot ; about 15% of total volume of pot .
I do not mix perlite into the coco growing medium .
The perlite will tend to work it's way up the pot somewhat .
I am growing in 10 percent humidity and so if I do not water every day my plants start dying
If I water every day my plants stay alive .
If plants are alive then decide when to feed nutes .
If you grow in normal humidity 40 to 60 percent then ignore my post as I have zero experience in growing in normal humidity .