Short college path to pursue cannabis industry?


Well-Known Member
Carts aren't even worth it anymore if you're anywhere legal... unless you can off em for under 25 a pop. Here in MI growers are on the comeback. Med prices are crazy on flower.. even crazier if you go buy rec
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Holy shit! Chicago dispensary prices are twice those amounts. $40 for an oz. of dank shake? That's all I'd be smoking if I had to pay for it. I'd never be able to make a living if our prices were like yours, I'm fortunate to be getting $240 oz., I guess. I got $350 before we went legal last year...


Well-Known Member
Its not as easy as everyone thinks more people fail at gardening than succeed.....and it takes lots of cash to do it right...
It does take knowledge and dedication to do it right, but it doesn't have to take a lot of cash. The initial set up can be a little pricey (nowadays you can always buy used equipment), but after that your largest cost is electricity. If I had to build my tiny room again ( 6.5 X 8 ), I could do it for a little over a grand. I spend maybe 5k per year total to make 60k, that's not a bad deal. Black market, of course.


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Staff member
It does take knowledge and dedication to do it right, but it doesn't have to take a lot of cash. The initial set up can be a little pricey (nowadays you can always buy used equipment), but after that your largest cost is electricity. If I had to build my tiny room again ( 6.5 X 8 ), I could do it for a little over a grand. I spend maybe 5k per year total to make 60k, that's not a bad deal. Black market, of course.
That sounds like a lot of work. If OP wants the big money with low cost of entry and massive return I'm thinking Glory Hole owner/operator.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
It does take knowledge and dedication to do it right, but it doesn't have to take a lot of cash. The initial set up can be a little pricey (nowadays you can always buy used equipment), but after that your largest cost is electricity. If I had to build my tiny room again ( 6.5 X 8 ), I could do it for a little over a grand. I spend maybe 5k per year total to make 60k, that's not a bad deal. Black market, of course.
I keep an eye on craigslist for grow stuff and noticed that used grow equipment isn't as prevalent as it was a year ago.

Probably the pandemic.
Lots of folks have more time on their hands...

Many of you already know this but I'll mention it anyway -- growing high quality cannabis on a large scale requires a fair amount of planning and a LOT of fucking work. Pheno hunts & pollen chucks can make it even more fun. :-?


Well-Known Member
If you want to make money then forget about the cannabis industry. It's possible but not probable unless you're already in the club with connections or have deep pockets.

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