bodhi seeds

payment options galore. Are they reputable ?
I read in another thread that they do Price matching of other banks ,not 100% on the details with that , it said they would price match GLO prices .after I seen that I rushed to the site thinking they might have Bodhi and they did and all the new stuff so I checked right quick to see if they had any out of stock signs up and I didn't see any so I flew right over here to tell the fellas , this was all in about 4 minutes
But whatever thread I was on they were talking about that's the only place they use and all kinds of payment options and they ship to canada
Thats where I read it ,not sure if there are more people with the same thoughts as him but you guys can judge that . Im still sticking to GLG but thought I would share what I found . Good luck boys
Breedersdirect is legit and speedy quick in packing/shipping after purchase. I don't care for all of their their website settings...I'd prefer that they mark things out of stock or delist them when they're sold out rather than getting your hopes up then dashing them when you click into the listing. But that's no reason not to use them IMO.
I just noticed that lemon wookie is back in stock at GLG!

Bodhi used a lemon diesel female for the original version, whereas he used a lemon G female for the lemon wookie v.2.