Just a statement

What medium do you use? And do you want to use chemicals or organics?
I use ProMix HP (non coco, just peat) with GH Flora 3 part and Calmagic (also have epsom but don't use it yet) and some Armor Si laying around for PH UP
i never really had to many issues with following rens charts before, but now that i've added c02 and sealed the room and raised the heat, i wanted to start upping the feed as i was feeding pretty low (i think). so now im trying to do what ive been putting off by learning all the science behind this so i can figure out what i need to give during my 8-11 weeks of flower (just added the c02 not sure if thats gonna mess with my flower times)
Do a lot of people compare growing tomatoes to marijuana? I think I've heard that before???
If so, that might help you look at it differently...
Ignore that... I didn't read everything...
I use ProMix HP (non coco, just peat) with GH Flora 3 part and Calmagic (also have epsom but don't use it yet) and some Armor Si laying around for PH UP
i never really had to many issues with following rens charts before, but now that i've added c02 and sealed the room and raised the heat, i wanted to start upping the feed as i was feeding pretty low (i think). so now im trying to do what ive been putting off by learning all the science behind this so i can figure out what i need to give during my 8-11 weeks of flower (just added the c02 not sure if thats gonna mess with my flower times)
Well Damn, I was gonna say follow @Renfro chart. I'm not sure about the CO2 though. I use organics.
Well Damn, I was gonna say follow @Renfro chart. I'm not sure about the CO2 though. I use organics.
rens chart has AN B52 on his latest, and i never really understood (before today) why my ph was so much higher than his (wasnt going off the math just the pen) so because i don't use b52 or understand whats in it im having issues getting the ratios correct of the other 4 parts. i know the basics, up the bloom mid flower and take out the nitrogen for flush slightly lower the ppm
rens chart has AN B52 on his latest, and i never really understood (before today) why my ph was so much higher than his (wasnt going off the math just the pen) so because i don't use b52 or understand whats in it im having issues getting the ratios correct of the other 4 parts. i know the basics, up the bloom mid flower and take out the nitrogen for flush slightly lower the ppm
Silica will raise pH.
I use ProMix HP (non coco, just peat) with GH Flora 3 part and Calmagic (also have epsom but don't use it yet) and some Armor Si laying around for PH UP
i never really had to many issues with following rens charts before, but now that i've added c02 and sealed the room and raised the heat, i wanted to start upping the feed as i was feeding pretty low (i think). so now im trying to do what ive been putting off by learning all the science behind this so i can figure out what i need to give during my 8-11 weeks of flower (just added the c02 not sure if thats gonna mess with my flower times)
Hey bud, good to see you. Here is a feed recipe I got from @Renfro and has worked very well.

Si = 2 ml per gallon
CM = 5 ml per gallon (For RO water, less if you use tap so maybe 2.5 is a place to start but with coco you may want even less calimagic and some epsom salt for mag)
Micro = 6.67
Grow = 6.67
Bloom = 8.3

I believe he runs C02 so I tagged him to see what he has to say as I dont know a better source for info.