My Song of the Day

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My father & I walked into this pub for a snack & a pint way back when, like in 1970, in this very small town, Doolin, County Clare, Ireland & sat in a corner booth.
One by one, all these gentlemen started to sit around us, like elbow to elbow, & I'm like, what the fuck?, go sit somewhere else, why invade my space?
Then, they all pulled instruments out from underneath their coats/bags & started to play & basically this is what ensued for the next four hours.
One of my fondest memories :)

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I'm really, really into this band today, if you might not have noticed.
I'm screaming/singing these songs right now.
They're good tunes
Peace out/stay safe/I love you :)

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Over dramatized snow storm just starting here. Radar dark blue for hours. Too wrong on many fronts. But 4-5" inches at most. But hitting shuffle as I space out to the picture widow.

Peace all.
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