Over watering?

slow drawl

Well-Known Member
Hey all...just got back into it after a 2 year hiatus, so I'm a little rusty.
Not a big issue but I'm concerned if it's something other than OW.
I did a blanket watering the last couple times and didn't really feel all of the pots by weight. So the whole tent is suffering a bit from that.
But this one is showing more of an issue than the rest. Could it be more than that from the looks of things?
Coots mix, top dressing Flower Girl about every 10 days so. Maybe lacking a nutrient, though wouldn't expect that at this point.
5 gal nursery pots, well water ph is right at 7 a little high in iron, 40 days into 12/12.
I don't think your plants are lacking anything.

They look pretty green and healthy. Maybe even a little too green. It looks like you may be slightly overfeeding, just a little. Like your plants are getting 103% of what they need. I think those yellow spots along the edges of the leaves and the tips are slight nute burn.

I would slow down the top dressing a little. I think you're adding it faster than your plants are using it, and it's building up. Maybe go 14 days, or only use 2/3 of the amount you've been top dressing.

But don't go crazy! Your plants look 97% great and the burn looks pretty minor. This far into flower I wouldn't worry too much about over watering. Just let the soil get less wet for awhile (but not dry!).

Anyway, good job so far. How long are you thinking about flowering for? Will you use the Flower Girl the whole way?
Hey all...just got back into it after a 2 year hiatus, so I'm a little rusty.
Not a big issue but I'm concerned if it's something other than OW.
I did a blanket watering the last couple times and didn't really feel all of the pots by weight. So the whole tent is suffering a bit from that.
But this one is showing more of an issue than the rest. Could it be more than that from the looks of things?
Coots mix, top dressing Flower Girl about every 10 days so. Maybe lacking a nutrient, though wouldn't expect that at this point.
5 gal nursery pots, well water ph is right at 7 a little high in iron, 40 days into 12/12.
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I think that the burn on the serrated edges are a tale tale sign of potassium def. There is only one def that looks like that. If you have trouble sourcing a K input, some people use 20% coco coir with their peat, but it has to be sodium free and that's hard to find. Your plants do look bomb, just a minor problem somewhere. Potsassium sulfate would be the cleanest source of K that you can get, it won't be mixed with other amendment and throw things off. Also, your base saturation might play into effect here. Ca, Mg, K, and Na are your bases(like base and acid). If you are finding wilting like they are thirsty, then you could have too much Na causing K def? It's just a guess, but an educated guess. Do you use a lot of Kelp? I find that it has more sodium than potassium, so using kelp might not help with a K def and actually make it worse. Na is more soluble than K and kelp will release Na before K. Again, just a guess...

Is this it? It doesn't really go into detail of what is in there, but it does say "ocean plants" which makes me think kelp. It looks like it is doing well for you and it might do better on outdoor plants, it just looks a tad too high in sodium. I stopped guessing at my soil and started getting my soil tested back in 2016.
I don't think your plants are lacking anything.

They look pretty green and healthy. Maybe even a little too green. It looks like you may be slightly overfeeding, just a little. Like your plants are getting 103% of what they need. I think those yellow spots along the edges of the leaves and the tips are slight nute burn.

I would slow down the top dressing a little. I think you're adding it faster than your plants are using it, and it's building up. Maybe go 14 days, or only use 2/3 of the amount you've been top dressing.

But don't go crazy! Your plants look 97% great and the burn looks pretty minor. This far into flower I wouldn't worry too much about over watering. Just let the soil get less wet for awhile (but not dry!).

Anyway, good job so far. How long are you thinking about flowering for? Will you use the Flower Girl the whole way?
Ya know I wasn't having any issues when I top dressed. Just thinking it would be slow enough release to kick in later when needed.
Don't know what I was thinking. I tend to think your right and I over did it.
Probably have 3 to 4 weeks left to go. I've used FG in the past top dressing 65 and 100 gal pots in my GH, worked well.
I'm a little leery now, so I'll wait until I start to see something a little more off.
Thx for your input.
I think that the burn on the serrated edges are a tale tale sign of potassium def. There is only one def that looks like that. If you have trouble sourcing a K input, some people use 20% coco coir with their peat, but it has to be sodium free and that's hard to find. Your plants do look bomb, just a minor problem somewhere. Potsassium sulfate would be the cleanest source of K that you can get, it won't be mixed with other amendment and throw things off. Also, your base saturation might play into effect here. Ca, Mg, K, and Na are your bases(like base and acid). If you are finding wilting like they are thirsty, then you could have too much Na causing K def? It's just a guess, but an educated guess. Do you use a lot of Kelp? I find that it has more sodium than potassium, so using kelp might not help with a K def and actually make it worse. Na is more soluble than K and kelp will release Na before K. Again, just a guess...

Hey man thx for the response.
I'll keep a close eye on things getting worse. No wilting, I usually do good by weight of the pot. These last couple waterings I know I over did it.
They've been in these 5 gal pots for about a month in coots mix. I really wasn't expecting to fall short on anything this soon, but I'm pretty knew to this indoor thing. No excessive Kelp only what's prescribed in coots mix. I'll get some potassium sulfate and keep it on hand.
Def not deficient in anything, and in coots mix plus your top feed you’re fine, ph could swing or alter bc microbes could be mad at massive doses of nutes esp high PK...

so plain water for a little should help things rebalance, I don’t ever feel my pots usually, living soil deal to keep a steady 50-75% damp. Almost water everyday at 5% the pot size. Maybe 10% if they are drinking more in heavy flower.

so hard to not want to tinker and add this and that but if your soil mix is solid and you’ve been top dressing you’re all good. If you’ve got any kind of rootwise or microbe recharge or any homemade LABS you could help the microbes be less angry hehe.

but they look great!

Is this it? It doesn't really go into detail of what is in there, but it does say "ocean plants" which makes me think kelp. It looks like it is doing well for you and it might do better on outdoor plants, it just looks a tad too high in sodium. I stopped guessing at my soil and started getting my soil tested back in 2016.
Yep that's it. I think I'll just hang back a bit and see if this materializes into something.
Thanks again for your insight man, I appreciate it.
Def not deficient in anything, and in coots mix plus your top feed you’re fine, ph could swing or alter bc microbes could be mad at massive doses of nutes esp high PK...

so plain water for a little should help things rebalance, I don’t ever feel my pots usually, living soil deal to keep a steady 50-75% damp. Almost water everyday at 5% the pot size. Maybe 10% if they are drinking more in heavy flower.

so hard to not want to tinker and add this and that but if your soil mix is solid and you’ve been top dressing you’re all good. If you’ve got any kind of rootwise or microbe recharge or any homemade LABS you could help the microbes be less angry hehe.

but they look great!
Hey thx, this seems like solid advice. I have been mixing Athena Biosis in about every third watering, not sure if this is good enough.
Other than what I have showed here things have been going really well.
Hey thx, this seems like solid advice. I have been mixing Athena Biosis in about every third watering, not sure if this is good enough.
Other than what I have showed here things have been going really well.
Just looked it up that seems nice, as much diversity as possible, so growing your aresenal of microbes as much as possible is best, yet work with what your budget allows of course. You don’t need a lot tbh.

try this at home for a nice LAB culture you can give to ur girls weekly as well...

wash 2c of white rice with 3c of filtered water in a bowl.
Strain the rice and Save the water in a jar.
Cover the jar with a paper towel and a rubber band and let it sit in a dark warm place (75-80 degrees) for 2-3 days
You’ll see it start to bubble and create a thin top layer around day 2-3 and it should have a sweet rice smell to it, not sour or rotten.
At this point you’ll need to fill a 32oz mason jar 2/3 of the way full with whole milk (can use any milk but cows works really well), fill the remainder of the jar with the fermented rice water.
cover the jar with the paper towel and rubber band and place the jar in a dark warm/room temp place.
give it 3-5 days, and it should begin to separate and form a curd layer on the top of the jar.
The yellow/white cloudy liquid is what you want and is called a LAB (lactobacillus) culture in KNF.
keeps for 5-7 days
Or add equal parts brown sugar to keep it long term

I like it to help balance pathogens as well as soil life and feeds microbes and boosts the soil immunity etc
Just looked it up that seems nice, as much diversity as possible, so growing your aresenal of microbes as much as possible is best, yet work with what your budget allows of course. You don’t need a lot tbh.

try this at home for a nice LAB culture you can give to ur girls weekly as well...

wash 2c of white rice with 3c of filtered water in a bowl.
Strain the rice and Save the water in a jar.
Cover the jar with a paper towel and a rubber band and let it sit in a dark warm place (75-80 degrees) for 2-3 days
You’ll see it start to bubble and create a thin top layer around day 2-3 and it should have a sweet rice smell to it, not sour or rotten.
At this point you’ll need to fill a 32oz mason jar 2/3 of the way full with whole milk (can use any milk but cows works really well), fill the remainder of the jar with the fermented rice water.
cover the jar with the paper towel and rubber band and place the jar in a dark warm/room temp place.
give it 3-5 days, and it should begin to separate and form a curd layer on the top of the jar.
The yellow/white cloudy liquid is what you want and is called a LAB (lactobacillus) culture in KNF.
keeps for 5-7 days
Or add equal parts brown sugar to keep it long term

I like it to help balance pathogens as well as soil life and feeds microbes and boosts the soil immunity etc

Hey thanks for that reminder, didn't really think of it for this small indoor grow.
I've made this several times when I used to grow outdoors in Oregon, I miss growing ODs.
Used exactly that recipe.
Moved to the Washington coast..we love it here, though killed my chance of any outdoor grow.
Hell my container tomatoes didn't ripen till mid September.
This will be my 3rd indoor and I'll get it down. Still adjusting from a couple oz a plant compared to 2lb per from my OD.
I've grown some pretty nice stuff outdoors.
Thanks again for your input