MR. GiggleShitz
Looking to purchase a really good portable dry herb vape. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Read in medicating and there are threads there.Looking to purchase a really good portable dry herb vape. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance
I used to carry a Pax3 everywhere with the vinyl odor caps (too smelly to carry without them), I upgraded to Fury Edge and it's better in every way except size (still very palmable). Solo 2 is slow and feels like sucking cement through a straw, it's also really slow to extract a bowl. Seriously, if you're going to carry the vape in your pocket, get a Fury Edge and the dosing capsules.
I love my pax3. Why do you like the fury better?
I love my pax3. Why do you like the fury better?
I love my Mighty gives great hits and has a large enough bowl to share, but it’s big for a portable.
I always liked the arizer solo and solo2 but they have personal sized bowls and give slightly smaller vapour clouds.
I heard solo was making a competitor to the mighty as well,might be cool.
the lotus is a cool butane powered vape outta California and it’s fun for camping or power outages lol.
Better taste and vapor quality, not as harsh. The airflow is way less restricted in the Fury. Also even with the half-pack lid you need to pack a lot more into the Pax to get decent vapor. If you use the dosing capsules the Fury is very low maintenance, I haven't cleaned my bowl once. I had to deep clean my Pax weekly or it would get completely clogged. The Fury is also better through a waterpipe than the Pax. The Pax 3 is a decent vape even with all the flaws, but I don't feel it's worth the price at all.
I've been rocking the PAx 2 for years now. Came w a ten year warranty and I basically get a free replacement every year or so.
I love how stealth it is but I will check out the Fury mentioned or a PAx 3 if I can still get that w a ten year warranty I saw advertised recently.
Stealth is key for me.
I have a couple of dry herb vapes. My Mighty is all that gets used. Buy the stainless drip pads so you can vape concentrates. Max temperature is 410F which is just a bit above what it takes for the wax. A small chunk of wax gets you multiple hits.Mighty.
Solo 2 is slow and feels like sucking cement through a straw, it's also really slow to extract a bowl.
I don't think it's slow. The resistance can get a bit high if you over pack. Using a domed screen and coarsly crushed buds or even uncrushed buds it's usually fine. It doesn't take that many draws to finish a bowl... Like four bug tokes pretty much extract all. A couple of more and you get a tiny wisp. I have it set at 190c/375f
I use 220 celsius and hit it hard through a small bubbler. I can't get the weed as dark as I can with other vapes either. The only time I use the Solo 2 is when I need to keep smells low. It's weak and slow, but that's my opinion and experience.
I didn't like it with a bong. It emptied the bowl real fast, but the high wasn't that great.