It is not dead but it yields “bout a pound”. That depends on person, I would not also lose time for this but understand you and remember when I was in similar situation. Does not matter I second
@Wattzzup you do not just want to listen and doing too much things together which leads to... you got lost in what is actually happening with your plant. I do not see any mark of Ca deficiency at all but it has been already said
@rkymtnman. More likely Mg which could be figured out by adding some epsom salt when the leaves started fading. Or you just messed up the medium with improper treatment. Guys are basically right that in soil you should be 6,0-7,0 but I think (but can be wrong) you are not in soil. You gonna be probably in common potting mix which is not consider to being soil but its soilless! PH for optimal nutrient uptake is 5,5-6,0 and its whole consider to be hydro. Do not ask me why coz it also did not make sense for me but its like that. Difference is between the base if it is coco than you have to treat it like coco, if it is peat than you can treat it like a soil with drain to waste watering and dry cycles. Important thing is you are not chasing pH for soil. Been there done it, always lockout with dicking around pH. But as well as every other growing medium you can not overfeed otherwise always gonna have issues. Good luck!