Well-Known Member
Grow equipment and server cooling are very different things. Axial or "mix flow" style fans are no good for moving air through filters, lots of bends, or essentially anything with a large air pressure variation. Centrifugal fans are the only thing that can really force air around really well. AC Infinity only offers the axial/mix flow style fans. If you are trying to pull air through a carbon filter and exhaust it to a different part of your house, ac infinity is not going to work very well for you. Just a little bit of resistance and CFM's go waaay down. This is the Vortex VTX800 centrifugal fan vs their "S Line" mix flow style fans.Their fans are certainly high priced but not junk. I have used hundreds for over a decade in electronic enclosures and server racks and have yet for one to go out.

As you can see with just a little bit of static pressure, the mix flow fans can still perform ok. But at a certain point they basically stall out. The centrifugal fans are able to move air much more consistently as static pressure increases and are still able to move 300cfm @ 1.75 where the mix flow fans are "stalled out". If your not using a carbon filter with your ac infinity fan, it should work just fine. But if you have a filter and 30 foot of duct, its probably not going to be moving much air.