If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?

some guy used sonar to determine there is a chamber under it. saw it on discovery or tlc or something
As far as the light source, at least when they were building the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, they used a lamp with a pre-measured wick that would last as long as thier work day. When the wick was gone they stopped for the day. At least thats what I've read. I can't comment on the soot though as I have no idea.

As far as the post about not having hieroglyphs on the walls of the tombs about the pyramid/tomb building, that is because it didn't have anything to do with the way to afterlife or the status of the person that would be buried. It was the eygyptians belief that many prayers and actions were necessary to reach the afterlife. It would have been detremental to the dead if the rituals and prayers were not done. It seems they believed by writing these things on the walls and on the sargophygus (<-spelling) it would make sure the dead could remember and recite correctly through each stage of the afterlife. As the eygyptians progressed thier religious beliefs did also, as a result different type of burial chambers were imposed and different prayers were needed, etc. The book "The Book of the Dead" explains alot of the meanings on this subject and tries to shed light on what thier beliefs were. But it was originally written in the early 1900's and alot of the speculation could have changed some, but it was an interesting read none the less.

For how the pyramids were built is definitely amazing, however there is alot of theories in that regard, most of which have already been posted here so I don't need to get into that.

Great info...Even though The Book Of The Dead is a little old....it still is very much relevant. Thats where I began learning the translations of the Metu Neter. A definite read if interested in actual factuals about ancient Egyptian culture. Helps put other things in to perspective.

As far as the hidden room or chamber under the Sphinx....I think I saw the TLC show mentioned earlier. I cant see why there wouldnt be hidden rooms there and in many other places for that matter. Whats already been found regarding ancient Egypt is only a small % of what is probably out there.

And of course...the wild theories about that hidden chamber under the Sphinx abound. Even though nobody has even seen whats in there. I talked with a friend who says thats where the "Atlantians" stored all the building records of the monuments. Thats wrong in so many ways, I wont even try to go into it.

I think that theory came from Edgar Cayce the American psychic from the 20's I think. He actually talked about it and recorded his thoughts on it back then.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Edgar Cayce On Atlantis[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]by[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Len Kasten[/FONT]

Index of Issue 12

Skeptics, archaeologists, geologists, and anthropologists may rant and rave, but the myth of Atlantis endures. In every generation, someone emerges to champion the cause and to embroider the story. None of this disputation, though, might be happening if it hadn't been for one very critical and unfortunate event. The burning of the Great Library of Alexandria was a stunning blow to the advancement of knowledge. If any single event could be said to have ushered in the Dark Ages, it was the destruction of the Great Library, and the decimation of Alexandria as a world repository of learning and enlightenment. At its height, around 200 A.D., the library is said to have contained about 700,000 scrolls and codices.
According to Edgar Cayce, the Atlanteans migrated to Egypt prior to 10,500 B.C. and brought with them the chronicles of 40,000 years of history of Atlantean civilization. And according to Plato, Egyptian priests told Solon, the Greek philosopher, the story of Atlantis around 500 B.C. If the Egyptian priests knew about it then, there is a distinct possibility that some of their knowledge could have wound up in the Great Library 300 years later. Given the indefatigable scouring of the world for scrolls by all the Ptolemies, they certainly wouldn't have missed those under their collective noses, in Egypt. Whatever scarce records of ancient Egypt existed, probably looted from tombs and temples, surely must have been in that library.

Edgar Cayce said that the chronicles themselves would eventually be found in what he called The Hall of Records, in another pyramid that is wholly underground and not yet discovered, somewhere near the Sphinx. That discovery, of course, would settle the matter once and for all. But without such absolute proof, it is necessary to rely on whatever clues we can get our hands on.


The stakes are high. Discovery of the proof of existence of an advanced, high-tech civilization 50,000 years ago will have tremendous ramifications in the scientific, religious and social arenas. It will drastically alter almost all of our cherished, long-held beliefs, including many so-called scientific dogmas, and will throw an entirely new light on the origins of the human race. Darwinian evolution would have to go the way of the dinosaur. Science would have to take a totally new turn to study all of the marvelous scientific achievements of the Atlanteans. Major religions would have great difficulty trying to fit this new body of information into their teachings.

In the absence of ancient records about, and/or archaeological evidence for, the existence of Atlantis, two sources of information have rushed in to fill the vacuum. First, a new breed of scholar has emerged, highly intuitive and no longer bound to rigid, archaic academic research traditions. These have been bold investigative pioneers who have painstakingly brought together information from hundreds of unlikely sources to piece together the Atlantis scenario. Then, psychics, clairvoyants and channelers have picked up where the archaeologists and anthropologists leave off.


But indisputably, the most prolific figure in either category in terms of sheer volume of Atlantis information was Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet of Virginia Beach. Cayce, who died in 1945, left behind a massive body of literature consisting of every reading he ever gave, all dutifully recorded verbatim by his long-time secretary, Gladys Turner. In giving Life readings for questioners, Cayce frequently made reference to previous lives lived on Atlantis. So, over the 20-year period of active Cayce readings from 1923 to 1944, a large body of Atlantis information was accumulated and subsequently archived by the organization which Cayce founded in Virginia Beach, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). Remarkably, readings given by Cayce about Atlantis as much as twenty years apart, agreed completely! Much of it provided new details of Atlantean life, from the viewpoint of those who lived it.

Over the years, as the A.R.E. grew larger, interest in Atlantis data gathered steam. More and more, believers in Cayce, especially those in his own family, came to realize that if the existence of Atlantis could be proven, Cayce would be largely validated, and a lot of skeptics would come into the fold. Consequently, the Cayce organization under the leadership of his oldest son, Hugh Lynn, became actively involved in archaeological research in the two parts of the world most likely to produce evidence of Atlantis according to Cayce himself, Egypt and Bimini in the Bahamas. Starting in 1957, and continuing through the eighties, A.R.E. funded limited programs of exploration in both places under the aegis of the Edgar Cayce Foundation (ECF), and several A.R.E.-connected investigators have participated at their own expense.

Then, in the mid eighties, Edgar Cayce's youngest son, Edgar Evans Cayce, realized that it was time to write a book about the state of Atlantis-related research in general, covering the results of all of the ECF programs. His book, Mysteries of Atlantis (Harper & Rowe), was coauthored by his daughter Gail Cayce Schwartzer and Douglas G. Richards, and was published in 1988. The book sold steadily in small numbers all over the world out of the original printing up until 1997, when the same authors added an update covering research developments up to the present, and now this new version has also been released by St. Martin's Paperbacks. Recently, Atlantis Rising met with Edgar Evans Cayce and his daughter at the A.R.E in Virginia Beach.

Edgar Evans told us that he spent a year studying every one of his father's readings, to find all references to Atlantis. Statistically, it turned out that almost one-third of the life readings mention Atlantis.

AR12 - Edgar Cayce On Atlantis By Len Kasten

Article is too long for 1 post. So here's the link.

Its a buried room or chamber. I think they have taken images showing its there....but they cant show us whats inside it unless they access the room.
Its a buried room or chamber. I think they have taken images showing its there....but they cant show us whats inside it unless they access the room.

Those fuckers know exactly whats in that room. It's probably the secret to the whole damn place and how they built that shit.
im sure somewhere in someone's head is the awnser's to all the questions we have...god....prymids...atlantis so on an so forth i believe these people to be the ones who work inside of the vatican(catholic church headquaters)the oldest city in the world...i think the knowldge in there could change the world...for better or worse..
Oh yeah, they know some shit too, however I do not think it has anything to do with the pyramids. Just the TRUE meaning and foundations of the entire Christian religion.....*coughs--AHEM>>>BULLSHIT*
im sure somewhere in someone's head is the awnser's to all the questions we have...god....prymids...atlantis so on an so forth i believe these people to be the ones who work inside of the vatican(catholic church headquaters)the oldest city in the world...i think the knowldge in there could change the world...for better or worse..

I agree that somewhere...someplace....someone has SOME of the answers everybody seems to seek.

As far as the Vatican being the world's oldest city....its not even close. Places like Damascus (Syria), Jerusalem etc. are way older than the Vatican. But I do agree that the Vatican holds alot of info.

There were periods when people were sanctioned by the church to bring back whatever knowledge, relic etc. they could find. Even stuff that had NOTHING to do with Christianity were taken....and continue to be held.

I remember when Pope John Paul II got shot....Soon after, there was a photo of him in the vaults of the Vatican in Time Magazine. He was praying in front of a picture of Madonna/Jesus. That painting originated in Ethiopia. But its been in the basement there for decades. And thats more of a recent thing.

Correction: The photo looks more like a church than a vault. So I was wrong. But that still makes you wonder how they came about it and why they still have it.


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I agree that somewhere...someplace....someone has SOME of the answers everybody seems to seek.

As far as the Vatican being the world's oldest city....its not even close. Places like Damascus (Syria), Jerusalem etc. are way older than the Vatican. But I do agree that the Vatican holds alot of info.

There were periods when people were sanctioned by the church to bring back whatever knowledge, relic etc. they could find. Even stuff that had NOTHING to do with Christianity were taken....and continue to be held.

I remember when Pope John Paul II got shot....Soon after, there was a photo of him in the vaults of the Vatican in Time Magazine. He was praying in front of a picture of Madonna/Jesus. That painting originated in Ethiopia. But its been in the basement there for decades. And thats more of a recent thing.

Correction: The photo looks more like a church than a vault. So I was wrong. But that still makes you wonder how they came about it and why they still have it.

I totally agree with you. Some one knows something.

The Catholic church is very wary of anything that could jeopordize the 'faith', regardless of what it is or how it connects to christianity. In 100-150 BC (not sure on dates) when the christian bible was put together they choose which texts should be allowed and which shouldn't. Anything that was not choosen was considered heretic or gnostic and was to be burned or be gotten rid of. In recent times more texts have been found (besides The Dead Sea Scrolls) that some believe were buried by Gnostic Priests during that time. I find this rather interesting however I haven't researched this enough to form an opinion either way, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened.
well to clarifiy when i say the vatican is the oldest city i meant that it is the oldest contuing government...those places you spoke of have been taken over destroyed an rebuilt many times have they not....also i think they do know of all the information they have so much....the catholic church has sent people all over the world since its creation whose sole purpose was to gater information...an over thousands of years....i bet thats quite a bit....also i think someone hit it on the head in an earlier post when they said its used as a way to keep people dociel...
I totally agree with you. Some one knows something.

The Catholic church is very wary of anything that could jeopordize the 'faith', regardless of what it is or how it connects to christianity. In 100-150 BC (not sure on dates) when the christian bible was put together they choose which texts should be allowed and which shouldn't. Anything that was not choosen was considered heretic or gnostic and was to be burned or be gotten rid of. In recent times more texts have been found (besides The Dead Sea Scrolls) that some believe were buried by Gnostic Priests during that time. I find this rather interesting however I haven't researched this enough to form an opinion either way, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened.

Read up on St Peter, Jesus' best friend. He wrote a gospel too, only it wasn't included because it said that Jesus was born from Mary and Joseph (in other words Jesus was just a normal guy). There are other reasons too.

Also when jesus 'came back to life' there were thousands of sightings of him in different places at the same time.

Jesus was a top guy, had followers and everything. Manson.
really its all a means to an end....everything will end on day me you the world religon...it just matters how you decide to live in the here an now...if you believe or if you dont...if you murder if you dont....whatever really...just a means to an end...
Not to an end, but to a greater society. Selfishness must die.

People may want to believe that it is somehow pleasurable to hurt another, the same can be said for the opposite.

Everybody on this site MUST know how it feels to help somebody. Remember that feeling and I bet it makes you feel better than if you hurt them.

Whatever harm you do now, you WILL regret in later life.
god was a man, jesus was a man, he married and had kids. the church covers this up so people can be controld be having the "fear of god" put into them. he was nothing more then a man trying to "show" people that they are special, and godly. alot of edgar casey's work dabbles in that here and there, he said if he looked at the world, at a far away perspective it just looks like one big thing happening at once. the past, present, and future, one big BANG
why does covering up his family an being a man cause the fear of god...people fear other people for things much worse than that..hitler was feard.kim jung il was feared sadam hussian was feared....