Help a noob out


New Member
Hi guys first time grower and I need help determining whats going on with my plant. Started with brown spots on the bottom leaves and has made its way up to some new grow. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. 177B51B4-B081-440E-B614-6CCD0EE00105.jpeg0ED9FBFB-4ECC-441A-966F-7F4D4D08141F.jpegB2997209-65F5-4419-AC8E-E6072AF3E6EF.png
as above, no details of grow, cant really give a diagnosis without them....saying that i would say its possibly calcium??? calgmag would sort it.
Too many unknowns....what's your feed ph...what are your nutrient levels...temp and rh?
My ph is 7 temp is about 22 Celsius humidity stays around 45% I’ve recently started using fox farms big grow but this started on the bottom before the nutrients.
I wouldn't be overly alarmed to be honest - it's minimal and not widespread. Its most likely deficient in something whether its calcium or magnesium. My recommendation would be to pick up CalMag and feed it 3-5 ml/ gallon. Lower your ph to 5.9-6.2 ish with PH down.
Spray here down good with water and epsom salt so you can save as many leaves as you can, use 1/2 tsp per gallon of water. Then start adding 1/4 tsp of epsom salt to your water or feed! Also, those leaves that have spots already won't recover, but don't remove them until they are all crispy! And the reason I am telling you to spray her down, is because it will take at least 5 days before the magnesium you will begin putting in the pot makes it up the plant, and more leaves could die before that happens, so when you spray her down, that stops that from happening because the plant can easily uptake the sprayed on magnesium in through its leaves!