Other Plants

Have you propagated blueberrys? I’m trying to figure out how to clone or root them and plum as well. I’ve had minimal success with cuttings and rooting hormones. I built a new aero cloner to try spring but it ain’t time yet. I know graphing and air laying is probably best but I’m trying to succeed in different ways. Anyway I thought I would ask just to see if you had any advice to share.
Peace Bear
Yes sur! I have two blueberry varieties -

Best to take cuttings from the top of the plant. They say not to root in water.. I do anyways but best way would be:

get the Hormone Powder if you have any and stick fresh cuttings in some peat medium right away. Scrape a tad of the base off to expose some of the 'flesh' below. Important for this part but makes it difficult also to deal with fungus. You must remove all of the leaves except one or two at the top of the plant. These are known as 'terminal leaves' and they will provide the health kind of like cotylendons... for new growth!

Also can do 100% perlite. But your aerocloner sounds neat! I hope it works.. What kind of blueberries do u have?

Not sure your location so take the cuttings when it's dormant and wait a while for the roots to form or take cuttings while it's vigorous and get roots faster. Will need a dome similar to cannabis for the RH until you get some roots.
I cant find any white oak on the internet, so ill be needing you to send me some of your prized stash. I guess ill just go with some fir bark or just use peat. im not sure yet.
Who told you about my stash? LOL. I need to re-up. Native evrywhere here. Just strip well seasoned deadfalls or firewood. A decent benni fungal and microbe source also. Send address and shipping. How much you want? Lmao. White cedar is excellent as well. 002.jpg
i went with some chunky coco, some regular peat moss a little perlite and a sprinkle of dry grow nutes for my cactus and my bromeliad. im thinking the pure peat will keep the ph nice an low. A quick search says coco is 5.8-6.8 so i should be fine.
Since i have no food/soil in the mix besides some organic powder, should i water the second time with a very low dose of synthetic food to give the powder time to break down ?

Thanks mister! , this thread has been fun. i have learned quite a bit from you two. i'll continue to learn an post pics along the way.

soil :joint:
i went with some chunky coco, some regular peat moss a little perlite and a sprinkle of dry grow nutes for my cactus and my bromeliad. im thinking the pure peat will keep the ph nice an low. A quick search says coco is 5.8-6.8 so i should be fine.
Since i have no food/soil in the mix besides some organic powder, should i water the second time with a very low dose of synthetic food to give the powder time to break down ?

Thanks mister! , this thread has been fun. i have learned quite a bit from you two. i'll continue to learn an post pics along the way.

soil :joint:
It will take a bit for the organic to start working... You will notice the plants take - I really don't give nutrients but once a month unless I notice something is up. Everything else is mainly preventative things like spraying copper every once in a while and dusting with DE. Eggshells are a staple too - interesting to see how your mix works and what u decide 2 feed; I wouldn't feed for a bit let the organic stuff you mixed in break down for a little bit..

What was the ratio you mixed everything? Or did you go rogue like I do and do it all in the small pot by the feel?

:eyesmoke: :peace:
P.S. I am also thoroughly enjoying the thread and everyone's plant shares - Thanks for keeping it lively I've been distracted with some things but getting back on track always is refreshing. Hope everyone had a good weekend & has the day off for MLK tomorrow! Have a dream! :eyesmoke:
It will take a bit for the organic to start working... You will notice the plants take - I really don't give nutrients but once a month unless I notice something is up. Everything else is mainly preventative things like spraying copper every once in a while and dusting with DE. Eggshells are a staple too - interesting to see how your mix works and what u decide 2 feed; I wouldn't feed for a bit let the organic stuff you mixed in break down for a little bit..

What was the ratio you mixed everything? Or did you go rogue like I do and do it all in the small pot by the feel?

:eyesmoke: :peace:
First off.....tell me about this copper please and thank you ! Whats the eggshells for ? calcium or other cool things ?
4th off or whatever number were on , i was going to give the girls a splash of grow big from fox farm like i do the rest of my houseplants. (i dont have much goodies for organics on hand ....no compost , no worm bed....im worthless)

I went full rogue on the mix like you did. i would say about 65% coco 25% peat moss and 10% perlite.
I wanted the texture of the coco chunks/fibers but wanted to make sure the ph would be low by adding the peat. the perlite may have been overkill. then mixed well with about 2tsp of "rainbow mix grow" with myco. hoping for the best! will be ordering "acid bark" hahahaha and some of that "spagmoss" soon.
First off.....tell me about this copper please and thank you ! Whats the eggshells for ? calcium or other cool things ?

Liquid Copper Fungicide ~ I use it at a reasonable rate at a diluted ratio in PH'd water just to boost immune system in early veg in my canna but all my plants enjoy it when it is very dilute. It is a blue liquid and i think also gives a bit of Zinc'?

I've used it to fight PM off of my Kiwano Melons but it's more for prevention as too much of it can dye things blue and burn the plants. To fight stuff off you have to use it at a higher rate though.

Eggshells look cool for the most part ( you can get the brown eggs and white eggs to mix it up ) theyy take a really long time to break down; Calcium w/o Nitrogen surely. I wash them in the sink after cooking so they don't attract bugs and such or get sticky. And I crush them up as it gets full - Only added it to top soil and such never amended my mixes with it although I have been thinking about it for a while :eyesmoke:

4th off or whatever number were on , i was going to give the girls a splash of grow big from fox farm like i do the rest of my houseplants. (i dont have much goodies for organics on hand ....no compost , no worm bed....im worthless)

Haha! I'm sure that will be fine. If you want to slowly add some organic stuff to your topsoil and watch life grow; Easy way to get worms is put a piece of cardboard down on a patch of dirt near some damp grassy zone. Water it if need be in the afternoon... Should be worms underneath it in the morning! Add maybe some clovers and a couple shoots of grass too :bigjoint:

I started doing this a few months back to pretty much all my pots after my first plunge collecting random things to slowly go organic. Pretty weird but the little worms are kinda neat. I was Inspired by a couple threads on here by Nature Boy Wonder and his microbe adventures. Went out and found my some microbes and collect a couple different kinds of worms. Honestly I think my plants are greener than I've seen them before lol
Now THAT is full , 100% organics! im SUPER jealous. i gotta step my game up.....im back to rookie mode. :eyesmoke:
I have never had luck with worms in the medium but i was pretty ignorant back then.... My worm bin was always great...never had one problem other then the occasional "needing harvested two months ago".
So my first rule of order will be to collect some microbes/fungi locally , grab some worms and some clover. I'll breed all three.

second ,i could use some help with ordering some organic goodies i'll need on hand ? alfalfa , neem meal ect... ? what do you guys recommend ? i have no problem using a premixed powder if thats easier but i also have no problem building my own.... Thanks!
Now THAT is full , 100% organics! im SUPER jealous. i gotta step my game up.....im back to rookie mode. :eyesmoke:
I have never had luck with worms in the medium but i was pretty ignorant back then.... My worm bin was always great...never had one problem other then the occasional "needing harvested two months ago".
So my first rule of order will be to collect some microbes/fungi locally , grab some worms and some clover. I'll breed all three.

second ,i could use some help with ordering some organic goodies i'll need on hand ? alfalfa , neem meal ect... ? what do you guys recommend ? i have no problem using a premixed powder if thats easier but i also have no problem building my own.... Thanks!

I guess I forgot to press post on my comment! My apologies !!

Excited 4 ur worm adventures. I went looking today for some more and I found some weird things.. Looking to ID what the heck it is... My phone is charging but will post pictures soon. At first I thought it was a very active earthworm but closer look it had tiny legs and pitch black eyes on a head with a mouth.... It was hanging out with the earthworms - there was two of them I captured one of them

For organic things I would look at Down To Earth. They have some good things and pre-mix blends. Kelp Meal is a snag. Alfalfa is a staple for me; it is plant based food and I think highly underrated so I suggest a box of it and test your findings. Check out Bio Live also; just need to store that one properly and also maintain soil temps so things get active. I try to stay away frm bone meal but if I do use it it is early on - also I don't use any guanos but I'm sure people can justify them. I think COCO LOCO is loaded with some guano and peoples plants skyrocket in that stuff.

Diatomacious Earth is a must.
I guess I forgot to press post on my comment! My apologies !!

Excited 4 ur worm adventures. I went looking today for some more and I found some weird things.. Looking to ID what the heck it is... My phone is charging but will post pictures soon. At first I thought it was a very active earthworm but closer look it had tiny legs and pitch black eyes on a head with a mouth.... It was hanging out with the earthworms - there was two of them I captured one of them

For organic things I would look at Down To Earth. They have some good things and pre-mix blends. Kelp Meal is a snag. Alfalfa is a staple for me; it is plant based food and I think highly underrated so I suggest a box of it and test your findings. Check out Bio Live also; just need to store that one properly and also maintain soil temps so things get active. I try to stay away frm bone meal but if I do use it it is early on - also I don't use any guanos but I'm sure people can justify them. I think COCO LOCO is loaded with some guano and peoples plants skyrocket in that stuff.

Diatomacious Earth is a must.
Thank you for your input as always sir!!
Whats up with the DE ? i thought that just might be a "fad" 10 years ago or so .... Do you use it as a dust for the garden for bugs or is it also a good thing to add to soil ?
Gonna grab a 10lb loaf of alfafa meal. Its a 2-0-2 ish so i cant go wrong with that! Gonna grab a big thing of kelp too.....ive read endless good things about kelp and have always had some until now.
The alfalfa is almost enough food by itself but i would need some phosphorus and some secondary and micro nutes. (My tap may have all the Ca i need in it , im not sure)