Last summer I was saying "Nah, I don't want an electric bike, I like the exercise" but after doing some research and seeing these kits they grew on me. And you can build a fast powerful bike for under $500. I'm thinking I can push my rides further and it just seems fun. One thing...I know several people my age or older, 60+ with e-bikes and most every one of them has crashed. all minor so far, but still. I've never had this particular bike over 18 mph so far and that was down hill...I can't imagine 30 mph....or 40

Mines a hardtail aluminum frame probably 20 year old mtb that was my friends dads I got for free. I want to put cruiser handlebars on it, probably some better tires, rebuild the fork shocks, etc. and turn it into a blacktop cruiser. We have a few parks with miles and miles of paved trails too.
This kid was a little crude but gives you an idea how easy it can be done...and there are videos done by (they look) 12 year old's creating these things, lol.