New chilled

There seems to be something weird with the spectrum and the diode spec: claims 5000k + 660. It doesnt look like 5000k base white, more like 4000k. 5000k has a blue peak whichnis higher than its 600nm peak.
its because of the number of the red 660 led in it sir
its just mean the red are more dominante than the blue from the 5k:)

AMMMAAZINNNG product, expensiv but its normal when you see the numbers of led inside!

cant wait to see other product like that!! cant wait to see theire 5 channel board tooo, it will be able to push much more the blue to put that in veg
its because of the number of the red 660 led in it sir
its just mean the red are more dominante than the blue from the 5k:)

AMMMAAZINNNG product, expensiv but its normal when you see the numbers of led inside!

cant wait to see other product like that!! cant wait to see theire 5 channel board tooo, it will be able to push much more the blue to put that in veg

Reread his post....... Not talking about 660nm peak
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its because of the number of the red 660 led in it sir
its just mean the red are more dominante than the blue from the 5k:)

AMMMAAZINNNG product, expensiv but its normal when you see the numbers of led inside!

cant wait to see other product like that!! cant wait to see theire 5 channel board tooo, it will be able to push much more the blue to put that in veg
Exactly spectrum control only thing chilled is missing once they get that on lock it’s a wrap
I think i get it now, it would be 3000k + 5000k like in the normal chilled led fixtures. Which looks like 4000k
no sir, the choice of doing only 5000k is cleaver:
-best efficiency on 5000k than 3000k
- useless to get 3000k when you have so much red 660 led on it
- able to use it on veg with this combo 5k + 660
- perfect to fit with the futur 5 channel spectrum control

definitly no need those 3000k....
best regards guyz ;)
no sir, the choice of doing only 5000k is cleaver:
-best efficiency on 5000k than 3000k
- useless to get 3000k when you have so much red 660 led on it
- able to use it on veg with this combo 5k + 660
- perfect to fit with the futur 5 channel spectrum control

definitly no need those 3000k....
best regards guyz ;)
What im saying is that the pictured spectrum is not a 5000k base white. Go look up a standard 5000k spectrum youll see they are different.
What im saying is that the pictured spectrum is not a 5000k base white. Go look up a standard 5000k spectrum youll see they are different.
sir.... i know the 5000k spectrum too, should have more blue if theire were only 5000k led sir....
but when you put so much 660 also, the spectrum look like 4000k because of the balance white/red but its 5000k full of 660nm spectrum

to proove you that theire is an exemple of cutter led strip with 2000k nichia + 5000k nichia optisolis :)
its not mean that its not 5000k led sir, its mean the balance between red and white are on the 660nm side ;)


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-best efficiency on 5000k than 3000k... if you win in Luminic eficiency you Loose on ....? no se puede ganar en todo...y segun mi eficiencia luminica es importante...pero es mas importante la otra eficiencia... sobre todo tratandose de cultivar plantas...

...para mi no hay problema en mezclar 3000k con 660...lo que hacemos es subir el cri del resultado final... usas canales separados por colores...blancos incluidos...creo puedes mezclar como te guste ...
blancos frios con bancos neutros y blancos calidos...y los colores que quieras...
...las soluciones monocanal...son mas economicas...pero no te dejan jugar bien con el control de iluminacion que podrias tener en canales separados... pero el plug and play... esta de moda... dificil para el diyer...pero es lo que hay...

A los Bros...RS solo lo dejare un ratito...pero daros mucha prisa...que en un rato borro todo....

Saludos desde Tenerife

in english it could be so nice sir....
-best efficiency on 5000k than 3000k... if you win in Luminic eficiency you Loose on ....? no se puede ganar en todo...y segun mi eficiencia luminica es importante...pero es mas importante la otra eficiencia... sobre todo tratandose de cultivar plantas...

...para mi no hay problema en mezclar 3000k con 660...lo que hacemos es subir el cri del resultado final... usas canales separados por colores...blancos incluidos...creo puedes mezclar como te guste ...
blancos frios con bancos neutros y blancos calidos...y los colores que quieras...
...las soluciones monocanal...son mas economicas...pero no te dejan jugar bien con el control de iluminacion que podrias tener en canales separados... pero el plug and play... esta de moda... dificil para el diyer...pero es lo que hay...

A los Bros...RS solo lo dejare un ratito...pero daros mucha prisa...que en un rato borro todo....

Saludos desde Tenerife
totaly disagree with you, study proovve that light is light and plant accomodate with all different kind of light....
so we prefering efficiency, and 3000 + 660 is a non sens because of all that red already present

best choice is made by chilled , choosing 5000k for efficiency and put 660nm to fill the lack of red and win efficiency

you keep the good point of the 3000k and win efficiency.... i dont know why we are speaking about that,tthis product meant to be EFFICIENT... its perfect this way, and the 5 spectrum is comming!
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sir.... i know the 5000k spectrum too, should have more blue if theire were only 5000k led sir....
but when you put so much 660 also, the spectrum look like 4000k because of the balance white/red but its 5000k full of 660nm spectrum

to proove you that theire is an exemple of cutter led strip with 2000k nichia + 5000k nichia optisolis :)
its not mean that its not 5000k led sir, its mean the balance between red and white are on the 660nm side ;)
Juat have a long look at the spectrums please, use the samsung datasheet if you lik.

The blue peak, compared to the peak of 600nm: in a standard 5000k 80cri spectrum the peak of 600nm would be lower than the blue peak and no amount of added 660 would change that. If you look up 4000k you see the same as we got here: 600nm peak is off same height ass the blue peak.

The spectrum you quoted is the Nichia optisolis 5000k 98 cri which is a very different spectrum.

I dont think youve actually understood what im saying, and no it seems you dont know what standard 5000k looks like.
Juat have a long look at the spectrums please, use the samsung datasheet if you lik.

The blue peak, compared to the peak of 600nm: in a standard 5000k 80cri spectrum the peak of 600nm would be lower than the blue peak and no amount of added 660 would change that. If you look up 4000k you see the same as we got here: 600nm peak is off same height ass the blue peak.

The spectrum you quoted is the Nichia optisolis 5000k 98 cri which is a very different spectrum.

I dont think youve actually understood what im saying, and no it seems you dont know what standard 5000k looks like.
i know standard 5000k spectrum look like...
i showed you 2 spectrum from cutter to explain you that phenomen.... if you dont understand it... im sorry i pass my tour :)
seconde of all, i dont see any interesse to put 4000k and say's its 5000k .... seriously :D

have a good day everybody

ps: have a look on the initial spectrum of the nichia 5000k 97cri
its full of blue too... but when you combine it with the 2000k.... its become like i show you before with the 2000K/5000K nichia spectrum.


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I think i get it now, it would be 3000k + 5000k like in the normal chilled led fixtures. Which looks like 4000k

Same as The nextlight blend(minus 660 chips), makes sense rocket.

The crazy amount of low driven diodes helps maintain over a 3ppf/w even with 3000k? Maybe;-)