What is causing my leafs to droop and die

My girls were looking good for a while but for a couple weeks now I have been noticing the leafs starting to die and they just got droopy yesterday. Any ideas of what could be going on? Ignore the temps in my grow tent the thermometer was broken and I changed it out today. I also upgraded my light to a Mars ts600 from a shitty Amazon light 3 days ago


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You need to give more info... pot size,fert etc..could be root bound. Over watered. Many possibilities.
Yah sorry dude still not too good at going in depth lol so I got them in some fox farms ocean Forrest and that’s about it.....I was planning on mixing up some living soil soon for them soon and transplanting. I got roots coming out of the holes of my 1 solo cup plant so I think forsure that one might need to be moved
So you've got two issues going on...I think. One, as Oso said, your plants have far outgrown a solo cup. The second issue, which you should address asap is that your plants are getting stressed from the increased light-I'd back off the mars ts 600 to 24 inches for a few days, let them adjust, then drop it to 18 inches. Your plants are drooping because of the light change. You can tell from how lanky they are that you didn't have them under much light, so now you need to ease them into more. They'll be fine, good luck!
So you've got two issues going on...I think. One, as Oso said, your plants have far outgrown a solo cup. The second issue, which you should address asap is that your plants are getting stressed from the increased light-I'd back off the mars ts 600 to 24 inches for a few days, let them adjust, then drop it to 18 inches. Your plants are drooping because of the light change. You can tell from how lanky they are that you didn't have them under much light, so now you need to ease them into more. They'll be fine, good luck!
Will do! Thanks for the help my dude
In my opinion, the roots may have more space to grow inside that pot, but they would grow much and much bigger in a larger pot. This is because the roots act like sensors, and when they sense that the pot is very small, the plant will adapt and stay small too.

So even though the pot isn't completely full of roots yet, you do need a bigger pot. There is no doubt in my mind that this is causing your leaf issues.
In my opinion, the roots may have more space to grow inside that pot, but they would grow much and much bigger in a larger pot. This is because the roots act like sensors, and when they sense that the pot is very small, the plant will adapt and stay small too.

So even though the pot isn't completely full of roots yet, you do need a bigger pot. There is no doubt in my mind that this is causing your leaf issues.
I totally agree the op needs bigger pots to grow, but there’s something else happening here. Maybe needs more aeration, perhaps better lighting, or it’s a water / food issue.
I think with the better Mars light they'll perk right up. Make sure you get runoff when you put fluids on them. They don't look bad to me, just not perky. A little darker green might be nice but you should get that with your new soil.
Rootbound is definitely not the issue. Will they need bigger pots? Absolutely. Is the pot size causing the issue? Absolutely not.

In addition to looking over watered, they also look hungry. What are you feeding them, and how often?
i transplanted a few plants as well as putting them under a 500+w LED from t5. idk if it was the transplant shock or all the extra lumens, but they definitely didnt look great for a few days. I dont see any reason why they wont bounce back, just make sure your watering habits are good
maybe not root bound yet i just transplanted 4 that looked just like that into 1 gallon garbage cans i got at walmart for 1.86 lol good luck