Hawaii Growers

im trying out a scrog for the first time in some karma sherbtini testers and a couple tropicanna cookie f2’s. The calyxes on the trops turned dark purple the first week of flower and smell like cheap orange juice.
kkday, aunt lehua, dr greenhorn, punabuds... sorry if I forgot anyone else who used to go to the Oahu meetings..

spoke to Celticvixen the other day & found out uncle R passed.

last time I talked to him he offered to bring me big island with them. always regretted not going.

take care people never know when is your time
rest in paradise
Finally pulled out the Shoreline Colombian Fire girl from last fall. Her flowers mostly turn to dust when you touch them.
I ran the flowers through the seed sifter and found these:



Three fathers were available from me for her - Agent Orange, GTH, and Maui Wowee.

so I'm on Maui and I've been doing some breeding projects for the last couple years. I always get nice big mature tiger striped seeds but the germination rate is always poor.....maybe around 50-60%. I dry the seeds the same place i dry my herb in a room with a dehumidifier for a few weeks. Any tips?